The imaginary of a fantasy writer like George RR Martin seems limitless. And although this new foray into the publishing world is predicted as a commercial earthquake caused, the ultimate foundation is none other than exploring a fundamental saga of the fantasy genre.
A saga that resembles what happened in cases like those of JRR Tolkien o JK Rowling (curious about the abbreviations in the three cases of these literary monsters), in a fantasy genre of worldwide impact due to what it means to be a novel approach without prior conditions for any reader, from the west to the west, never better.
And it is already seen that the prequels works. So the good George has also been used thoroughly to place us in the anteroom of the saga A Song of Ice and Fire (or Game of Thrones, for those who are more of film adaptations).
The truth is that inviting us to know the how and why is always an incentive. It is assumed that a prequel may suffer from argumentative deficiencies, since the ending is already known. And yet to learn more about the Targaryens, about the Dynasty in which he was born Daenerys Targaryen, It is an easily verifiable incentive when you approach specialized forums or very very freaky friends of this work.
We move to Dragonstone, which will be the fortress of the Targaryens throughout the play. A very special island whose starting point has that aftertaste of the myth forged between a past of violence and survival and the expectations of seeing how the Iron Throne could be defended, lost and fought again for the greater glory and hope of an entire extended universe. freely in the general imagination as well as in each imaginative stronghold of any reader.
In every story, doubts always arise about the circumstances and vicissitudes that have been able to lead the characters there. In the case of Fuego y Sangre, even more so, the gap of everything prior to the conflict is introduced into a dense nebula that this work is in charge of dissolving.
The finest details on the curse of Valyria and the cataclysm that reduced the great city to ashes, with exquisite detail on the city itself before its tragic end.
A meticulous introduction to the Dance of the Dragons, fulfilling precisely the thirst for knowledge of every reader of the saga who always wanted to know how this sort of capital betrayal happened at the time of succeeding the Iron Throne.
The most precise entry into the seven kingdoms, those that made up Westeros, with its inhospitable northern territory beyond the wall. The Eternal Winter and its wild inhabitants, together we may find answers at the end of the prequel ...
In concise summary, a novel that completes the map of an unparalleled world, mapping the destiny of so many characters who have accompanied us in books or in their successful translation to the cinema ...
You can now buy the novel Fuego y Sangre, the new book by George RR Martin, with a discount for accesses from this blog, here: