Many are the authors of fantasy or science fiction genres who have made that quantitative leap in the cinematographic script of their novels, and that has served to extend this type of genre to the general public. I mean writers like J.R.R. Tolkien with The Lord of the Rings; to Isaac Asimov with Yo, Robot; Richard Matheson with Soy Leyenda; Or until HG Wells with The Time Machine or The War of the Worlds.
The last of these good genre writers who have been able to bring their exuberant imaginary to the big screen, with full acceptance has been George RR Martin (The thing usually goes by initials ...)
Yes, we are talking about Game of Thrones, born as an adaptation to the big screen of the huge series A Song of Ice and Fire at the height of the Discworld of Pratchett. (Who knows? Perhaps it is the latter in the following because it passes under the filters of mass consumption).
George RR Martin's first novel was born with that name back in 1996 and with the perseverance of someone embarking on the discovery of a new world, it continued in 4 new installments and even 2 already planned for 2019 and subsequent ones...
But as always happens, the truth is that there is a creative life of the author prior to the commercial boom. In fact, many previous awards and recognitions attest to this. So… let's get on with it.
Top 3 Recommended Novels by George RR Martin
Fevre dream
The vampiric theme is to the fantasy genre what time travel is to science fiction. Every author worth his salt, of a specific genre or another, has to end up visiting these topics as the believer on duty, his sanctuary.
In this novel George RR Martin presented us with a story about vampires. But you can already guess the author's great ingenuity as soon as the desire to escape from the stereotypes and typical scenarios of the vampire subgenre is discovered.
The waters of the Mississippi cradle the breathtaking story of Joshua and Captain Marsh. Among the mosquitoes that also bite like vampires, the heat, sweat and insomnia of hot humid nights, we travel aboard a steamer on the most sinister of voyages for which they will not find an anchorage where to anchor and escape from some riverbanks. between which the sinister glances stalk them.
Always with the dark certainty that there, on the mainland, there may not be a single southern guy alive. The best of all is that among the darkened waters of the great river at times you can breathe the emanations of hot blood, fresh from so many victims.
Tuf's travels
It never hurts to meet an author in short distances, in the space without possible deception of the story, where the creative imprint and even the writer's trick is discovered.
A highly recommended book for anyone who wants to start at George RR Martin in order to judge, with full knowledge of the facts, that later work so recognized ...
Tuf is a character who rambles between very different scenarios although with a common idea: The Ark, the spaceship that was able to escape from that other Earth, occupied by a pseudoscience that ended up leading to destruction.
A total of seven stories lead us to the repair of L'Arche by Tuf. Once repaired, it only remains to consider if it is necessary to undertake the trip or if simply the repair process, with its learning, is already all that is worth it.
Death of the light
In this novel, a preamble to the author's narrative paths, we discover fantasy and science fiction as the excuse to talk about very human aspects.
Perhaps it is a creative maneuver to approach the genre, or perhaps it is a matter of disguising a transcendental will. The point is that the characters in this novel are interesting in their paradoxical construction.
We speak of Worlorn as the first of those worlds created by the author, of cities light years away and of characters between the timeless epic narrative and clear references to bygone eras of our civilization ... And then there is love as a common thread.
It is not surprising that this novel represents that cult work of the author. Because it overflows with authenticity and exploration, because it is discovered as a first opening of the writer towards remote settings with the most human ballast ... Surely that is why characters like Jadehierro, Gwen or Dirk are read in a particularly empathetic way.