The Fashion House, by Julia Kröhn

The house of fashions

It is assured as part of the promo for this novel that her trauma captivated one of the leading authors of that reborn nineteenth-century manners that serves the melancholic reader's taste and thriving causes such as feminism. Could it be that Anne Jacobs fell in love with this work of the ...

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Revolutionaries Try Again, by Mauro Javier Cárdenas


The novel can be used perfectly to get to know a very specific setting or an entire country. A narrative proposal with the intention of approaching an environment, gives you the subjectivity of who has lived in that place. It may sound like a truism, but there is a lot of relevance in the idea. In the end, …

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The many, by Tomás Arranz


A book that entertains and cultivates must always be given special consideration. It is the case of this novel The many. By boat I soon come up with many interpretations of the title of the novel (always subjective after a gratifying read). Because the title has a material meaning that will soon be ...

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An imperfect family, by Pepa Roma


This novel is officially presented to us as a novel for women. But I honestly disagree with that label. If it is considered that way because it speaks of that possible matriarchy that historically kept the secrets of any family and that hid the miseries of the outside doors, it makes little sense. There is not …

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Chronicle of a Death Foretold, by Gabriel García Márquez

A Chronicle of a Death Foretold

Dishonor, unwritten law, pacts of silence, reckoning, and pain over the loss of a loved one. Everyone knows but no one denounces. Only by word of mouth, for those who want to listen, the truth is told from time to time. Everyone knew that Santiago Nasar was going to die, except for Santiago himself, who is unaware of the mortal sin he committed in the eyes of others.

You can now buy Chronicle of a Death Foretold, the unique short novel by Gabriel García Márquez, here:

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Out in the open, by Jesús Carrasco

It came into my hands as a gift from a good friend. Good friends never fail in a literary recommendation, even if it is not very in your usual line ... A child runs away from something, we do not know exactly what. Despite his fear of escaping to nowhere, he knows he has ...

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