Written in the Water, by Paula Hawkins

Written in the water
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Overcome the great impact of "The Girl on the Train", Paula Hawkins returns with renewed strength to tell us another disturbing story. Every good psychological thriller must have a starting point halfway between the crime novel and the anguish of the drama.

When Nel abbott the sister of Jules, dies mysteriously, those two necessary aspects take off: the doubt about a possible murder or violent death on the one hand, and the drama, the concern about the loss of a loved one on the other.

Serve this review in scoop to clarify the lovers of «The girl on the train»That, beyond the thematic harmony between the two novels, the plots necessarily move at different rates. It is not the same that a mystery appears in your life by chance that a traumatic trigger such as the violent death of a sister suddenly shakes you.

However, this difference in rhythms will not be disappointing for a reader of this author. Quite the opposite. From the first page, Paula hawkins already throws the bait so you can't stop reading.

You've read The invisible guardian, de Dolores Redondo? I'm asking you because there are some interesting similarities in the way you approach the story. The stormy pasts of the characters are a great tool to gradually insert that past that weighs down their movements, and that endows these protagonists with a weight of their own that advances with the general plot of the story.

When Jules returns to the town of her childhood, dragged by the painful circumstances of her sister's death, we begin to think about that something else that the protagonist is hiding as best she can, until a click awakens the dark side of Jule, in the same way that It happens with Amaia Salazar in The invisible guardian.

The stillness of the waters can transmit serenity, except for those who know what can be hidden in the depths.

You can now buy Written in Water, the latest novel by Paula Hawkins, here:

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1 comment on «Written in the water, by Paula Hawkins»

  1. Das ist mein erster Roman gewesen, den ich gelesen habe und ich bin wirklich überrascht wie viel Spaß lesen macht


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