Yoga, by Emmanuel Carrère

Yoga, by Emmanuel Carrère

If it was a matter of breaking taboos about mental illness, Emmanuel Carrere he has done his part with this brutally sincere play. Only, on his inscrutable path towards the abyss, Carrère takes advantage of precisely that darkness to make us volatile, rambling and disturbing. Order and chaos take over formally and also in the background and everything happens with the changing rhythm of that vivid bipolarity with its extreme truth on both sides. And it is that the normal contradictions with which we live are that small reflection of when the foot is lost and the tense emotions overflow imagination and vision of the world ...

Make it clear to potential clueless readers that this is not a practical yoga manual, nor is it a well-intentioned self-help book. It is the narration in the first person and without any concealment of the deep depression with suicidal tendencies that led the author to be hospitalized, diagnosed with bipolar disorder and treated for four months. It is also a book about a relationship crisis, about emotional breakdown and its consequences. And about Islamist terrorism and the drama of refugees. And yes, in a way also about yoga, which the writer has been practicing for twenty years.

The reader has in his hands a text by Emmanuel Carrère on Emmanuel Carrère written in the manner of Emmanuel Carrère. That is, without rules, jumping into the void without a net. Long ago the author decided to leave behind fiction and the corset of genres. And in this dazzling and at the same time heartbreaking work, autobiography, essays and journalistic chronicles intersect. Carrère talks about himself and takes a further step in his exploration of the limits of the literary.

The result is a stark expression of human frailties and torments, an immersion in personal abyss through writing. The book, which has already generated controversy before its publication, leaves no one indifferent.

You can now buy the novel Yoga, by Emmanuel Carrère, here:

Yoga, by Emmanuel Carrère
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