The forest of the four winds, by María Oruña

The forest of the four winds
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The writer Maria Oruña it has managed to awaken and fix in its plots an unmistakable aroma of the most ancient Cantabrian. A marine fragrance to great mysteries and historical fictions from the northern peninsula. From Cantabria to Galicia treasuring deep mysteries composed with a point of historical fiction and always high doses of narrative tension.

This time we go a little further inland, until an Orense turned into that mirror between two moments separated by centuries. A fascinating feeling of time shared towards solving an enigma, recovering the magic of certain places, its telluric force, the powerful energies superior to the vectors of our time.

At the beginning of the XNUMXth century, Dr. Vallejo traveled from Valladolid to Galicia together with his daughter Marina to serve as a doctor in a powerful monastery in Ourense. There they will discover some very particular customs and they will experience the fall of the Church. Marina, interested in medicine and botany but without permission to study, will fight against the conventions that her time imposes on knowledge and love and will be immersed in an adventure that will keep a secret for more than a thousand years.

In our day, Jon Bécquer, an unusual anthropologist who works locating lost historical pieces, investigates a legend. As soon as they begin their investigations, in the garden of the old monastery the corpse of a man dressed in a Benedictine habit of the XIX appears. This fact will make Bécquer go deep into the forests of Galicia looking for answers and descending the surprising steps of time.

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