The 3 best books by María Oruña

The best of Maria Oruna

With the writer María Oruña, the current podium of black novel authors in Spain is formed, an honorary space that she shares with Dolores Redondo and Eva García Sáez. It is not that I mean that we do not find more writers who cultivate this genre with similar gifts, but without a doubt these ...

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The forest of the four winds, by María Oruña

The forest of the four winds

The writer María Oruña has managed to wake up and fix in her plots an unmistakable aroma of the most ancestral Cantabrian. A marine fragrance to great mysteries and historical fictions from the north peninsula cornice. From Cantabria to Galicia treasuring deep mysteries composed with a point of historical fiction and always high ...

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Where We Were Invincible, by María Oruña


There is no doubt that the Spanish noir genre is being approached from all sides by good writers such as Dolores Redondo or María Oruña herself. In the case of María, in whose pen I have sometimes found a certain harmony in her characters with Víctor del Arbol (today the thing is ...

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