September can wait, by Susana Fortes

September can wait, by Susana Fortes
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London was a city deeply punished by the Nazis. German planes bombed the English capital up to 71 times between 1940 and 1941. Emily J. Parker was a survivor of those continuous air raids dubbed the Blitz.

The fiction that he proposes to us Susana fortes in this book September can wait, places us 10 years after the end of the war. Emily's character was already recognized in her role as a writer. Hence his disappearance, during the commemoration in London of the first decade after the final victory, transcended borders.

Rebeca is a young student who years later is magnetized by the figure of Emily. To such an extent that he finally decides to focus on his life and work to present his doctoral thesis in philology. What begins as an academic investigation leads to mysterious aspects that only Rebeca can link thanks to her extensive knowledge about life, work and the feeling that this author left embodied in her books.

During the investigation, Rebecca comes to feel like Emily, or perhaps it turns out that they have things in common that were never suspected.

The coincidences, linked with mastery in literature, offer a suggestive and captivating reading. In a way, we go forward confused in the reading, not knowing if Rebecca sometimes leads us or if Emily is the one who is presenting us with the scenes.

The lives of Rebeca and Emily connect in a singular space, that place where the imagination of the author and the reader often share remote confidences, where creativity connects through the common imagination and the particular imagination, reconverting everything ...

But beyond this supposedly confusing perspective, the story continues to advance through the mystery about the fatal circumstances that could cause the disappearance of the writer Emily J. Parker. And Rebeca, completely impregnated with the author's vital testimony, will be the one who will have to put light on so many dark areas and so many shadows that try to hide the truth ...

You can buy the book September can wait, the new novel by Susana Fortes, here:

September can wait, by Susana Fortes
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