The best romance novels


The romantic novel is a genre in high demand by readers around the world. Not in vain, authors like Danielle Steel or Megan Maxwell have each of their new installments about loves and heartbreaks as best sellers, with an erotic or strictly romantic background, with ...

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Full Moon, by Aki Shimazaki

Shimazaki full moon

Writing about love has in Aki Shimazaki a unique consideration, existential flashes that range from the emptiness of heartbreak to the paradoxical inexhaustible spring of reciprocated infatuation. Waters that flow parallel and that awaken the same sensation from nowhere as soon as the last drink is drained. Among …

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The kisses, by Manuel Vilas

The kisses, novel by Vilas

It has been a long time since I have met Manuel Vilas so much on social media. Whims of the Facebook algorithm or rather default on my part. The point is that that of his hand-to-hand conversations with God via RRSS, when he called him for consultations, it seems to have been ...

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Madonna in a Fur Coat by Sabahattin Ali

Madonna in a fur coat

Turkey is the great discovery of the pasty series of recent times. South American melodramas have given way to everyday stories of the most European Turkey. Not that this novel is going around, but there is something inspiring about the plot. Another different time but a similar dilemma ...

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Sira, by Maria Dueñas

Sira, by María Dueñas

The María Dueñas phenomenon represented a whole emergence of novelists devoted to the cause of the recent past, between the nineteenth century or even the nostalgic of the first twentieth century (I dare not say twenty-mononic). But when the real one, the precursor in Spain of all that recent epic of our ancestors ...

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The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, by RA Dick

Book the ghost and Mrs. Muir

If Alaska fell in love with a zombie and even introduced him to her parents, why then wouldn't Mrs. Muir have her romance with the typical ghost of an uninhabited house? Everything is a matter of time and form. The moment waits to even take you to the ...

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What Are You Waiting For ?, by Megan Maxwell

What are you waiting for

Comebacks like Megan Maxwell's never are. Because deep down they are authors who never disappear from the best-selling lists with their romantic plots. The question is to put a little more imagination to the matter to link this type of adventure of love affairs and disappointments with other genres, ...

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