A little favor, from Darcey Bell


Currently, a common gesture between friendship, trust and good neighborliness can be to pick up a friend's child. In fact, when this novel takes off it seems that it is going to move through some intimate terrain around friendship, or love or some theme of ...

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The Island, by Asa Avdic


I like that kind of fantasy or science fiction story that puts the characters in extreme situations. If a futuristic environment surrounds everything, even better, dystopia is served. Anna Francis is the bait of this plot. She was supposed to participate in tryouts to ...

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Welcome to the West, by Mohsin Hamid


When those strange columns of people who travel through inhospitable spaces appear on television, between fictitious borders that rise up like physical walls, in our houses we do some kind of abstraction exercise that should prevent us from thinking about the atrociousness of the matter, in the little that we are far from any ...

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The Boy Who Stole Atila's Horse, by Iván Repila

the-boy-who-stole-attila's horse

The most important thing, in my opinion, for the narrative construction of a good parable is the set of symbols and images, successful metaphors that are recomposed for the reader towards aspects of much more substance than the scene itself. And the book The Boy Who Stole Attila's Horse ...

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Celeste 65, by José C. Vales


There are places like Nice whose luster seems to have always existed and never been extinguished. Cities dedicated to luxury, ostentation and the refuge of great patrimonies. Among the palaces and lavish hotels of Nice this story moves. The protagonist is Linton Blint, an English guy without much fit in this ...

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Toño Ciruelo, by Evelio Rosero


The motives for the homicide, considered as the hallmark of the person capable of killing a fellow man, supposes a descent to the conditions of all kinds that can lead to that violent reaction more or less treacherous, accidental or premeditated, in a chain or isolated. Toño Ciruelo is the monster ...

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The trick, by Emanuel Bergmann


A story that invites you to regain faith. Nothing to do with a religious belief. It is more about faith in the magic of life, to which you can only return with the eyes of the child. The look of the kid you see running around now ...

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End of watch, of Stephen King


I must admit that to get to this third part I have skipped the second. But that's the way the readings are, they come as they come. Although there might really be another motivation behind it. And it is that when I read Mr Mercedes I had a certain uncomfortable aftertaste. Surely it would be because when one has ...

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Maldad, by Tammy Cohen


It is true that relationships in the job can end up not being a raft of oil. Tammy Cohen delves into that sensation to derive this story towards an unsuspected thriller that transcends the work environment to raise the human capacity to surrender to the evil that the title announces. Initially ...

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The Dark Path to Mercy, by Wiley Cash


From time to time I like to watch one of those typical road movies. It is suggestive to empathize with those characters from lost directions who simply go through their lives aboard a car. Singular experiences and a point of disconnection with the real world to unravel the reasons for those ...

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El espartano, by Javier Negrete


The life and work of the Spartan people is always exciting. His arrival to this day as the best army of warriors, educated for battle from the cradle, is used as an emblem of effort, austerity and the fight and defense of all causes. Therefore, it always turns out ...

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