Offline by Anne Holt

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There are authors who take their time to retake a series. It is the case of Anne holt, who let almost a decade pass to return with renewed strength. Probably her different social and political assignments, plus some ailment, were sufficient reasons to keep her away from the literary world.

Otherwise, Hanne Wilhelmsen remains the lead researcher of the plots of this author. And this time the case brings them to him. Islamic terrorism hits the Norwegian capital with great fury. The Islamic Council of Oslo is blown up. Radical Islamists do not agree with the institutionalization of their people and their religion to reach agreements with the host countries.

If the explosion of a bomb becomes a critical event for a big city like Oslo in this case, a second explosion, larger than the first and in the center of the city multiplies the feeling of insecurity, while recovering the patterns of the most radical xenophobia.

In this book Offline, Anne also delves into the idea of ​​terrorism from within. That feeling that evil, hatred, is among us. Youthful disenchantment is a perfect breeding ground for directing violence towards the unhealthy ideal of destruction as a form of manifestation.

The idea of ​​this evil inserted into society like an endemic plague shakes the foundations of society. detective Hanne Wilhelmsen struggles to clarify the facts, but considers the difficulty of stopping this new form of terrorism.

An interesting crime novel that connects with very real and raw aspects of all current Western society. Anne Holt's pen creates a dynamic plot underlying the problems extracted from our reality, a conflict between civilizations that stains with its noir plot, the heart of so many cities today.

You can buy the book Offline, the new novel by Anne Holt, here:

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