Gog: the countdown begins, by JJ Benítez

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Gog has always been there, waiting for his moment. The apocalypse is his party, and we are all invited to it.

If there is a surprising and surprising writer in terms of the books he puts out, that is always JJ Benitez. Since I got to know his work, back in the beginning of Caballo de Troya, this Navarrese, already universal of letters, has approached everything with a magical conjunction of fiction and journalism. Without being able to discern on many occasions where one genre ends and the other begins.

And that is the best thing for me about JJBenítez, his capacity for continuous surprise. I don't know if the publishers that I have worked with have ever received commercial guidelines. But if that is the case, it seems that he always passed them through the lining. In my opinion, JJ Benítez writes what he wants when he feels like it.

If we recently got to know his documentary book on Ché Guévara, I got dad, now we return to old ways about stories of remote origins and journalistic foundations of our world ...

This book, Gog: start the countdownIt is one of those real stories made in Benitez, between the fictionalized and the exhaustively documented (remember Trojan Horse and its footnotes where everything was perfectly referenced). And what one enjoys when approaching this book, not as extensive as the immeasurable set of Trojan Horse but as powerful as this one.

That there is an end to our civilization, there is no doubt. Nothing remains. If it is not the final shutdown of the sun, it will be that our ball is eaten by a black hole. Or that the universe stops expanding and some planets begin to collide with each other due to the inertia of the movement finally stopped by a God tired of playing with his toy during the millennia that can compose just one of its seconds ...

JJ Benitez knows it better than anyone. There is an end for everyone. The end can be documented as soon as a journalist with a prodigious imagination turns black on white. The question is, as announced at the launch of the book, if we want to know what that twilight of the world will be like, perhaps to write our list of things to do.

For now, before you start reading the book, you should know that the matter is closer than you can imagine. And if you still insist on turning the pages of this story between the apocalyptic and what is necessary for the just silence of the world, prepare that old notebook next to the book. Go writing down those pending things and take advantage of the fact that the narration is not so extensive to give a full answer to your final wishes ...

You can now buy Gog, the countdown begins, the new and puzzling book by JJ Benítez, here:

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3 comments on "Gog: the countdown begins, by JJ Benítez"


    Century X
    Foursome 72

    The year one thousand nine hundred ninety-nine seven months,
    From heaven will come a great King of terror:
    Resurrect the great King of Angolmois,
    Before after Mars reign for bliss

    Nostradamus tells us about something that will come from heaven and that will cause great terror among humans.
    What can come from heaven that causes so much fear among humanity?
    An asteroid.
    When astronomers discover a new asteroid, it is named after the year it was discovered.
    In 1999 astronomers discovered an asteroid that will come dangerously close to Earth in 2027 and 2039.
    Asteroid named 1999 AN10.
    Is Nostradamus giving us the name of the asteroid in his quatrain and telling us that it is going to crash into Earth?
    Are you telling us that after the asteroid falls, war will happily reign? (Mars god of war in Roman mythology)

    Nostradamus wrote his quatrains in French, if we look closely at the first line of the original quatrain, it can be translated as "The year 1999" and at the same time he is giving us the name of the asteroid "The an 1999".

    Century 10
    quatrain 72
    L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois,
    Du ciel will see a great Roy d'effrayeur.
    Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois.
    Avant apres Mars regner par bon heur.

    We also observe that Nostradamus has included the quatrain of the asteroid in the tenth (10) century giving us more clues about the full name of the asteroid that in the future will impact the earth.
    Asteroid an10 1999.

    Century I
    Foursome 69
    The great round mountain of seven stadia,
    Then peace, war, famine, flood.
    It will roll away, engulfing great regions,
    Still old, and great foundation.

    Round mountain refers to the shape of the asteroid and tells us the size, seven furlongs.
    The stadium is a unit of Roman length equivalent to 134 meters.
    The total size that it gives us for the asteroid is approximately one thousand meters, the same as the 1999 AN10 asteroid.
    He tells us in the quatrain that before the fall of the asteroid there will be peace but then war will come and that the fall of the asteroid will cause a flood, in this way it is telling us that it will fall into the sea, engulfing (flooding) large regions.

    Century II
    Quatrain XVIII
    New and sudden, impetuous rain.
    He will suddenly impede the two armies:
    Stone, sky, fires make the sea stony,
    The death of seven lands and seas suddenly.

    In this quatrain he tells us about a stone that will come from heaven and will make the sea stony. The fall of the asteroid into the sea will displace the water causing a tsunami, exposing the seabed, even seeing the stones in it. (Making the sea stony).

    In the apocalypse of San Juan there is also talk of the fall of an asteroid in the sea.
    “The second angel blew the trumpet, and like a great mountain burning with fire it was hurled into the sea; and the third part of the sea was turned into blood and the third part of the living beings that were in the sea died, and the third part of the ships were destroyed ”(Revelation 8: 8,9)

    Where will the asteroid fall?
    Nostradamus tells us that it will fall into the sea causing a wave that will flood large regions.
    You just have to look for a quatrain that tells us about a wave of great proportions.
    I think the quatrain is the following:

    Century VIII
    Quatrain XVI
    In the place that Hiero had his ship built,
    Such a great flood will be so sudden,
    That there will be no place or land to take refuge,
    The wave will rise Fesulano Olímpico

    Hieron II, king of Syracuse (265-215 BC) ordered the construction of a ship with which no other could compete, and indeed, it was so great that a port was not found in all of Sicily that could contain it and he delivered it loaded with wheat as a gift to Ptolemy III in Alexandria.
    Fesulano: Faesulae, Fiesole, is a city in the province of Florence, in Tuscany, Italy. It is located 8 km from Florence on a mountain (346 m). In this city we find a perfectly preserved Roman theater.
    What can cause such a sudden flood that no one can escape?
    What can cause a wave of such magnitude that goes from the city of Syracuse (Sicily) to the city of Fiesole in northern Italy?
    The impact of an asteroid in the sea and the tsunami that it will cause?

    Century II
    Foursome 16
    Naples, Palermo, Sicily, Syracuse,
    New tyrants, blazing celestial fires:
    London, Ghent, Brussels and Sousse Force
    Great hecatomb, triumph, celebrate victory.

    In this quatrain, Nostradamus names the city of Syracuse again together with celestial fires and a great hecatomb.

    Juan Carlos of Madrid


    Sextille, 27

    Celeste feu du costé d'Occidente,
    Et du midy, courir jusqu'au Levant,
    Vers demy morts sans point trouver racine
    Troisème aage, a Mars le belliqueux,
    Des Escarboucles on verra briller feux,
    Aage Escarboucle, et à la fin famine.

    Celestial fire on the western side,
    And at noon, run to the Levant,
    Half dead worms without finding any roots
    Third age, to Mars the warlike,
    Carbuncles will be seen to glow fire,
    Carbuncle age and hunger at the end.

    If we look closely at sextilla number 27 and century X quatrain 72 they practically speak of the fall of something that comes from heaven and that Mars (war) will reign happily.

    In the sextilla he even tells us about "the third age of Mars the warlike" a way of talking about the third world war.

    Century 10
    quatrain 72

    L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois,
    Du ciel will see a great Roy d'effrayeur.
    Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois.
    Avant apres Mars regner par bon heur.

    Century X
    Foursome 72

    The year one thousand nine hundred ninety-nine seven months,
    From heaven will come a great King of terror:
    Resurrect the great King of Angolmois,
    Before after Mars reign for bliss.

    Nostradamus gives us the name of the asteroid that will fall to earth in the future.

    Asteroid an10 1999. “L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf”.
    The year of the first approach of this asteroid to Earth is 2027.

    It is curious to see how Nostradamus has placed the sextilla at number 27 the same year that that asteroid will approach the earth.
    If we read the number 72 backwards, the number 27 appears.

    Juan Carlos of Madrid

    • Good morning, much easier than all that: the asteroid is about to arrive and will cause almost total destruction, but what the prophecy of July 1999 refers to is the arrival in that month of the same year of wifi, created by apple , whose symbol is a bitten apple and which is currently taking civilization to limits where anything can be done, but above all destructive, both socially, politically and militarily. Curious, right?


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