This is the sea, by Mariana Enríquez

This is the sea, by Mariana Enríquez
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A story of the fan phenomenon from within, from the deepest part that turns idols into the empty sustenance of the most soulless lives. Beyond euphoria, music as a way of life, shadowed myths and cannon fodder legends of youthful vitality turned into disenchantment.

Of course, the Fallen gang is not the Back Street Boys. The message is very different. Youth is a hectic schedule to burn, because all that comes after is the fall.

It is not about prosecuting the messengers of decadence, musicians like Kurt Cobain or Amy Winehouse, it is more about observing a youth fascinated with self-destruction that finds in lyrics and tunes the chords of their departure to hell.

View youth as a fan trend towards an early end, Mariana Enriquez introduces us to Helena, a staunch follower of the Fallens and their siren songs towards the spontaneous combustion of youth.

You can love to the extreme, to the parasitic of the soul. The pole of hatred is in that last rung of sex as essential chemistry. You can listen to music, just music, but knowing that each chord is an invitation to death. Everything depends on a sense like hearing, so influenced by the greatest of beauties or the worst of nightmares.

The glory of Helena would be to meet those idols in a single tour with bitter taste to say goodbye to everything. Because reality can cease to exist, every problem can find in loneliness and isolation the nihilistic answers towards oblivion.

And that's why Helena only seeks that, her meeting with her idols, of whom she knows everything and to whom she intends to give her life as a reward for being the only ones who have known how to cradle her fears and resignations.

Fallen and his music as an alibi to live on the edge. References to many of those who composed, sang and lived accordingly with his tragic world outlook.

The essential chemistry, the riot of neurons and hormones. Youth, gold and tinsel. Dreams consumed by laziness in the XXI century. Helena, a fan of destruction turned into music of grimly captivating messages ...

You can now buy the novel This is the sea, the new book by Mariana Enríquez, here:

This is the sea, by Mariana Enríquez
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