Crimes of the Future, by Juan Soto Ivars

Crimes of the Future, by Juan Soto Ivars
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Few times has the future been written as an idyllic future in which the return to paradise or the promised land is anticipated with a scent of the final triumphant parade of our civilization. Quite the contrary, the condemnation to wander through this valley of tears has always borne fruit in dystopias or fatalistic uchronies in which the hope in our species is, in reductionist mathematical terms, equal to 0.

This new novel by the young man, although already a consolidated writer, also moves along this line. John Soto Ivars.

Crimes of the future, with that reminiscence in the title a Philip K. Dick , tells us about the world on the verge of its apocalyptic implosion. One of the most interesting aspects is the recognizable association with the current evolution of the globalized world (especially in terms of markets) and hyperconnected. Delving about the future from the base of our present facilitates that intention to delve into the great problems and challenges that are approaching us.

But any history at a time deferred can always contribute new ideas halfway between science fiction, philosophy, politics and the social. At least that interrelated aspect is what I usually like the most about this type of plot.

In the future that is related to us in this story, the liberalism born in the eighteenth century has already found its fullness. Only the Entity "governs" and sets the standards of a world given over to the multinations covered in all its actions under the umbrella of that Entity.

The picture does not look very flattering. A new world full of slogans that make up the post-truth between economic, social, political and even moral misery. Only post-truth no longer has a place in the light of ruinous existence.

Hope, as far as it can recover, remains low in some characters in the novel. Like the three women who capitalize on the necessary rebel role from the ashes of humanity defeated by their own monster.

You can now buy the novel Crimes of the future, the new book by Juan Soto Ivars, here:

Crimes of the Future, by Juan Soto Ivars
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