Mind Hunter, by John Douglas

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Novelting your life seems like a good way to write about yourself with a certain screening of depersonalization, a perspective outside of yourself to be able to find the common thread of your own life.

John Douglas He is a guy devoted to psychology, an FBI expert for the characterization of all kinds of dangerous psychopaths and disturbed people, although he has already retired from this organization.

And of course, how can you tell about your experience in this particular department of your old "company"? Well, novelizing, which is a gerund. Honestly, if I had something to tell about my life that was fascinating or disturbing, or both at the same time, I would invent another me who would lightly advance through a novel, where most of the things are real but a A certain point of remoteness would allow me that aseptic wording of my circumstances.

Okay, all of the above may be a gratuitous speculation on my part. But the truth is that reading the life of John Douglas in a fictional environment ends up leaving you speechless. John is a guy who navigated the most wicked minds, through the psyches most freed from any slightest moral filter, through egomaniacs eager to exercise their power through pain. And of course, when a human ends up seeing the world as a space for his whim and sinister proceeding, anything can happen.

How to find the monster disguised as an everyday guy? How to unmask the murderer who smiles and greets any neighbor? How to decipher a change in personality as a prelude to the most macabre of psychopathies?

John knows a lot about all of this, and explains it through a novel, thus addressing his dedication without splashing all the imported real pain in each new case study. This book, written in an autobiographical way, could have simply been heartbreaking.

You can now buy the novel Mind hunter, the new book by John Douglas, here:

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