Far from the heart, from Lorenzo Silva

Far from the heart, from Lorenzo Silva
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A writer can only write so many good books, in such a short span of time, by possessing devils made muses.

In just one year, Lorenzo Silva has presented the novels They will remember your name y So many wolveswhile he has also written the book Blood, sweat and peace and has participated in the anthology Black Times.

So his literary ability borders on that, the spiritual possession in which each new book is a literary exorcism of the first order.

Because now comes Far from the heart, a new installment for Second Lieutenant Bevilacqua after the pack contained in So many wolves.

And the truth is that in this new installment between the police and the black, again we find a technological component about the networks, the millennials and their perspective of a virtual world as real as the street they walk on.

When a boy in his early twenties, seasoned like no other in new technologies, disappears into the hands of kidnappers in the heart of Campo de Gibraltar, the technological issue acquires special relevance in terms of the reasons for the kidnapping. However, the young man's family pays his ransom without getting him back.

It is then that Bevilacqua and Sergeant Chamorro enter the scene. Nobody better than them to analyze clues and gather the necessary information to find the whereabouts of the unsuspecting young man.

But even the best investigators end up baffled by the strangeness of the case and the particular circumstances of life in the Straits.

The logic would lead to the thought that the young man could be involved in some money laundering environment, contributing his cybernetic knowledge to transfer money across borders as if it were a trick between servers.

But nothing ends up being clarified, no indication points to a clear thread to pull. Time passes and doubts about the boy's life are obscuring the investigation.

Counting on a small discount through this blog (always appreciated), since you can buy the novel Far from the heart, the new book by Lorenzo Silva, here:

Far from the heart, from Lorenzo Silva
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