Lead White by Susan Daitch

Lead White by Susan Daitch
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An original plot is already discovered on the flap of a book. The approach to a strange and sinister scenario involves a masterfully executed hook in this case by Susan daitch. A corpse appears at the foot of a famous painting. He is dressed as one of the figures on the canvas while the painting itself has undergone a major transformation. At that point you guess that might be a good story. From the outset, the approach oozes mystery and a disturbing point of a crime novel.

Advancing the story, with the book in your hands, it is impossible not to start reading immediately. Right from the start you meet Stella da Silva, a woman dedicated to the conservation of works of art. His hand retouches large paintings by the most renowned artists. Stella likes to work at night, isolated from everything, completely focused on the painting to be recovered for the cause. Only then can you apply your corrections without violating the masterpiece, replenish that point of color without the slightest sense of adulteration.

The main setting of the story is a famous auction house. It happens at night, while Stella works on some details of Las Meninas, by Diego Velázquez. During a short time in which she is forced to leave the painting something unexpected happens. When he returns the corpse is there, and in the painting the meninas have disappeared.

The idea has a delusional point, as if from a new Dorian Gray oil it was. But when Stella calls the police, the body of the crime has already disappeared. Desperately, she checks the magnitude of what is coming to her, in the eyes of everyone the only thing that has happened is that she has spoiled a masterpiece.

In her compromising situation, Stella tries to pull a thread to justify the puzzling events. As she tries to find out what happened, she discovers a shadow looming over her. Undoubtedly someone is haunting her with indecipherable intentions.

The answers that Stella can find delve into the current world of art, which has become a unique market where collectors and money launderers alike move, a market where they can hide other types of businesses far above the law, and of life if it is necessary.

You can buy the book Lead white, Susan Daitch's new novel, here:

Lead White by Susan Daitch
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3 Comments on "Lead White, Susan Daitch"

  1. Hi there! I just read it and wanted to discuss it with someone who has also read it. In the last chapter, Stella is already free of charges: do you have to understand that everything has been judicially fixed in the ellipsis? And besides, his fists are broken and they are being welded: why? I feel that I have missed some detail to be able to guess what happened in the time of the ellipsis before the last chapter ...

    • Oh friend. I fear that all of this is part of the resolution of the dilemma posed by the end of this novel without a resolution in itself. Ideal for various speculations or perfect for other readers to repudiate a novel so open to digression and labyrinth.

      • Arrgh, I was afraid of it, how angry it is, haha. Anyway, it seemed like a novel to me. I leave with the moments in glass jungle plan. Greetings!


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