The 3 best books by the Lars Kepler tandem

Under the pseudonym of lars kepler We find one of the most acclaimed literary tandems of recent times. We are talking about Alexander and Alexandra, Swedes to be exact. Each one will do their part so that this combination of suspense towards thriller total ends up standing out as an extremely attractive proposal. A proposal where the conjunction of styles, loves, philias and phobias of each author magically converge into a well-defined, compact style..., but at the same time enriched by the nuance of the strange seamless communion between two creators.

Because the truth is that it should not be easy to be able to write with four hands and do it in a way that neither of these two things happen:

  • That the authors end up like the rosary of dawn during the outlining or development of the novel's knot.
  • That the work finally turns out to be an infumable churro due to the general inability to agree on what is expendable and what is fundamental ...

Apparently (I would like to see their meetings through a peephole), magic happens in this case and there are already several novels that this couple has managed to close with great recognition from readers and critics. For them the creative duality achieves new narrative aspects that are complemented in an impeccable development.

Great mysteries with notes of psychological thriller that sometimes looks like the paranormal, a sum of nuances in a literary symphony with a deep aroma and that was born to succeed since that first great unforgettable novel, The hypnotist, came out.

Top 3 best Lars Kepler novels

The hypnotist

The lives of two boys, Joseph and Erik, look into the abyss in a Stockholm that takes on the appearance of a sinister city. In the Swedish capital, misfortune has brought the two boys together towards an uncertain destiny. Joseph survived the murder of his own family.

Erik disappeared when his father, the renowned physician and hypnotist Erik Maria Bark, set out to search for clues in poor Joseph's confused mind. According to the coincidence derived directly from that cause and effect, the origin of evil seems to take a single direction, with the special consideration that the evil really haunts them, without a doubt, from very close.

Joona Linna will take the reins of the case towards a resolution that will lead us through uncomfortable surprises that keep all the characters on the tightrope.

The hypnotist

El hombre de arena

The hackneyed, but not worn, profile of the murderous psychopath who occupies his days behind bars is a great resource for the author, or in this case the authors, to demonstrate their ability to build a powerful thriller. Jurek Walter is that murderer guarded in his psychiatric confinement.

Time runs in favor of its great secrets, those that hide many mysteries around missing victims and modus operandi. Mikael Kohler-Frost became the right victim to be able to arrest Jurek. The sinister reappearance on the scene of the young man offers a new thread to pull.

Saga Bauer is willing to pull that thread, except that to do so she must get very close to Jurek, participating in his psychopathic delusions as if she herself were an inmate at his center.

The typical hypnotic tension that involves leaving behind the doors of reason to enter the most twisted madness is an unparalleled accolade for this shocking novel ...

El hombre de arena

The seer

When practice, empirical technique, methodology and instinct fail to conspire to reveal a murder, only the victim can finally clarify what happened. Only the dead don't speak... Joona knows it, of course. It would be as chilling as it is wonderful if the cold accusing finger of a dead man pointed at his murderer.

Flora Hansen claims to be able to communicate with the murdered young woman in a juvenile center. Joona Lina doesn't want to know anything about it, in principle. Officially another internal girl is earning integers in the accusation of the case. In his favor he only has the opinion of one of the doctors in charge of the boys of the institution.

The police are close to hunting down the accused. Joonla has little time to discover the cold hands of another potential killer. Because something in his heart assures him that not all the pieces fit together ... If the dead woman could speak ... If that damned seer were not a charlatan ...

The seer

Other recommended books by Larsk Kepler

The mirror man

It is always good to meet again with authors dedicated to the cause of their endless series and their characters with inexhaustible resources and cases to unravel. Even more so if they are one of the most reliable couples in the noble and difficult art of four-handed writing. The thing is that like good couples today, we aspire for births to be as shared as possible. And so this couple does not stop giving their new creatures to the world. Works created with their well-known rapport to make plots, characters and twists a captivating set for millions of readers.

Jenny Lind is sixteen years old when she is kidnapped on her way home from school. During her confinement with other girls, in an abandoned mink farm, she does everything possible to survive in a place surrounded by wolf traps and under the strict supervision of "the grandmother", who does not hesitate to use the saw to prevent they move away

The world ends up assuming Jenny is dead... until five years later, a young woman is found hanged in a Stockholm playground. Security cameras show a single witness, a man who is attentively watching the scene. However, his brain, shattered by a series of traumas, has decided to stop registering the horror and cannot remember anything.

Detective Joona Linna, who once again displays unorthodox methods, contacts Dr. Erik Maria Bark, the hypnotist who years before had already given him the key to an investigation. In her attempt to understand the complex and depraved psychology of the killer, Linna undertakes an almost impossible race against time.

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