The footprint of evil, by Manuel Ríos

The imprint of evil
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From the film script to the novel there are few steps. Another good example, in the thematic antipodes (as far as the novel is concerned) of Manuel Riosit's David trueba. Because beyond their generational coincidence, each of these two authors have turned very disparate concerns into the narrative.

And yet in both cases that dynamism is detected, that life that sprinkles in the form of very vivid images.

And of course, getting that vividness in a crime novel like "The footprint of evil" is an incentive for a plot that moves between the cavernous shadows of the human soul.

There is no better metaphor for that darkness of the depths than the excavations of Atapuerca themselves. Vestiges of primal humanity buried or buried between layers of ground or surpassed the threshold of ancient caves.

That is where the victim of a crime is discovered that begins the reading of the case, immediately linking up with something similar that happened a few kilometers to the north, in Asturias. Whoever was in charge of murdering the young woman, to finally place her among the papier-mâché human representations that adorned the excavations, seems to mean something about primitive human and tribal ritual violence.

Those who tried to connect the dots the first time, unproductively, are asked again to see if this time they are able to link precedents and current tracks. The inspector of the judicial police specializing in crimes, Silvia Gúzman will have to rely again on an old colleague already outside the body: Daniel Velarde.

The will of the judge who decides to unite them points to a better and faster resolution of the case. But things happened between the two of them that jumped from the personal sphere to the case and the final resolution of the homicide. Overcoming those days to end up joining forces will be a challenge. Unless someone else has sought to bring them back together as the most brilliant finishing touch to a malevolent plan.

You can now buy the novel The Footprint of Evil, the new book by Manuel Ríos San Martín, here:

The imprint of evil
Available here
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3 comments on "The footprint of evil, by Manuel Ríos"

  1. I have long had my eye on this novel by Manuel Ríos, not because I have read it before, but rather because I have followed his cinematographic career with great satisfaction and I am curious to see how it unfolds in literature. I have always liked novels that are developed under that cinematographic sense, very much in the style of Carlos Ruiz Zafón, because you can imagine the scenes with more clarity in your head.

    Apart from that, the genre is quite cool to me although it is already something that has been seen too much, (murders and rituals), but it does not tire me. I'm definitely going to take a look at it, thanks for the recommendation.

    I see that you also write and have some stories on the blog, by chance you have not dared with a novel? It's something I've seen various authors on the web do, through Amazon mostly. Greetings.


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