Kicking the world right

Aristotle and Plato

The rock has surprising theories. Recently, having coffee in a bar and talking about the weather, an impromptu gathering has joined our group and, with airs of Nostradamus, has assured that climate change is due to the direct impact of so many satellites in the atmosphere. Rajoy's cousin would support this opinion, without a doubt.

Someone also told me recently that in a few years we will all have a chip inserted in the arm with which we will go through all kinds of controls. The aforementioned explained to me, absolutely convinced, that even to buy toilet paper at the Sabeco they will scan our arm to see if we have a balance.

What we really have is a lot of free time, no doubt. And people's imaginations soar. It seems that everyone has notions of Physics, Philosophy, Astronomy and even Architecture. If any of those freethinking opinion-makers arrived at the Moncloa Palace, Downing Street or the White House, another hair would shine on us all, because, what about the crisis ...

Who does not have a neighbor, a brother-in-law, a partner or a hairdresser who would fix the world imbalance with a couple of funds here, a few million eyes there, a lug of the ears to the politicians or a kick in the crotch to the bankers.

Undoubtedly, the accessibility of culture has generated a society of wise men who laugh at the Academy of Aristotle. However, when we have a minimal opportunity to demonstrate our extensive knowledge, as for example in the television program "I have a question for you", we get up like garulos and we say to the politician on duty: Do you have a cigarette?

As the Aquarius ad says, the human being is extraordinary

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