Eliseo's diary, by JJ Benitez

Eliseo's diary, by JJ Benítez
Available here

Eleventh installment of a dazzling saga that fascinates lovers of the esoteric, worries fervent believers and, above all, entertains in this hybrid between novel and report with hints of fascinating historical chronicle.

When JJ Benitez It started with Trojan Horse, back in 1984, I was a child and I remember perfectly the growing fondness for the esoteric, whether it was spiritism or UFO phenomena. In the town where he spent his summers, not infrequently we "played" with güijas apricots, we even fearfully approached the cemetery with the radio cassette to record psychophonies that finally remained in simple noise with which to suggest ourselves thinking that they could be whispers or laments.

But what we did the most was to go out at night in search of those lights coming from the sky that finally, with our inexhaustible imagination, we assured had landed between the meadows or in the river valley.

The point is that, with my taste for the fantastic, and the atavistic wish that there was always something more, years later I read that first Trojan Horse that left everyone stunned since 1984. I loved reading and reviewing the footnotes that they justified and provided foundations and credibility. He enjoyed the final account made chronicle of the greatest journey ever undertaken, that of current researchers to the days of Jesus Christ.

The truth is that I did not end up reading all the deliveries that later arrived. But this time I couldn't help going through Elisha's diary. That "diary" thing reminded me of the initial sensation of the saga, of that plot made memories of its protagonists, led by JJ Benitez himself, as heir to the momentous operation.

And there was the thing, without a doubt. A novel with a symphony of reunion with the original work. With its flashes of science fiction, journalism and religion in a captivating narrative melting pot.

Our protagonist this time is Eliseo, a member of the time travel operation. And with him we walked for more than two years in the company of Jesus and his future apostles, discovering new apocryphal interventions and preparing a performance that had long been discussed by the promoters of such a special operation ...

You can now buy the book El diario de Eliseo, the new novel in the Trojan Horse saga, by JJ Benítez, here:

Eliseo's diary, by JJ Benítez
Available here
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