The secret of the Tritona, by Manuel Pinomontano

The secret of the Tritona, by Manuel Pinomontano
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Many analogies can be found in terms of an intention perhaps not so much sought after but achieved, between this historical novel and the recent adventure play «The legend of the two pirates«By María Vila. The similarities start from the point of claim in the image of a pirate woman.

If we consider that the current symbol of a pirate is associated more (forgetting the connotations of the moment as authentic thieves) to freedom, to the insurrection to norms and customs, to the search for treasures that could well resemble pending social conquests for women… It is thus easy to adjust the feminine towards that ideal of the pirate who makes his way through stormy seas towards inspiring islands…

But the most fascinating thing of all is that the image of the pirate woman is not just a feminist translation of our time. The truth is that there were those women pirates, corsairs, buccaneers or filibusters. Piracy as an avant-garde field in terms of rights and recognition of women and their worth. Well, history is not curious ...

Turning to the specifics of this novel, we go back to the XNUMXth century. Gregoria leads her pirate ship and deals various blows to all those daring who embark on her domain: the sea.

All that Gregoria gained in her life was her freedom (certainly the best one can hope for and a whole utopia in our days of euphemistic democracy and paradoxical welfare state). So Gregoria decides to narrate everything that has been to her granddaughter, hoping or simply hoping that the young woman knows how to make the best decisions at a critical moment in her life.

Gregoria Salazar has much to relate to her young descendant. Only that composing the story is not easy. Vital moments surrounded by great secrets, journeys into and out of your being. Love and revenge, tragedy and also comedy, all that is necessary to determine a full life.

You can now buy the novel Tritona's secret, Manuel Pinomontano's book, here:

The secret of the Tritona, by Manuel Pinomontano
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5 comments on "The secret of the Tritona, by Manuel Pinomontano"

  1. It seemed to me a great novel especially for its way of narrating, its descriptions, its language that takes you from consulting the dictionary to the most popular language, and also with a theme beyond pure adventure, the freedom of one myself and through it get it to those around us

  2. I can't stop reading it, I bought it yesterday and I'm hooked, a great narrative, a walk through the Spanish empire in the XNUMXth century, something more than a pirate novel, it has intrigues, love, and a fascinating character, Gregoria Salazar.


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