3 best books by Marie Kondo

The usual association of the oriental with the serene, with the order, with the structured and consequently with the formality and the efficiency is not an idea of ​​free association. AND Marie Kondo has been able to translate the most relevant guidelines into literature so that we can adopt those authentic values ​​of a culture that has much to teach us.

At the 2018 World Cup in Russia, the entire world press echoed the departure of the Japanese team. Some photographs on how they had left the changing rooms after the last game surprised against the usual chaos that any other group of Western athletes would prepare.

So I wanted to bring this eminently practical narrative writer to help spread her particular science of order towards satisfaction. Only in the case of Elsa punset he had rescued a nonfiction author to select his best works. In Elsa's case it was because of her intention to help achieve happiness. As I say, for Marie it is about the happiness of the practical and the gain of space and time for self-realization in any other aspect.

This Japanese consulting firm has centralized a large part of its work in a kind of legal advice. Many companies and individuals demand his services to implement that order from which any business or personal ambition can be sustained. And things worked so well that good old Marie began to travel the world giving lectures, as well as writing books that we are going to evaluate ...

Top 3 best books by Marie Kondo

The magic of the order

Turning a supposedly tedious idea into a simple, mechanized routine that brings a multitude of benefits is truly magic. The KonMari method, as his system has been called from a kind of anagram of his name, gives us the guidelines towards a change of mentality in the basics. A change from which we can propose a vital change with a multitude of gains.

Order gives security, the old myths of orderly disorder to which everyone appeals in his office is always an excuse. All chaos leads to doom. And nothing worse than wasting your time in fruitless searches that only result in insecurity and nervousness.

The perception of order and its consequences serve as a placebo for that murphy to which we so often ascribe our bad luck. If something is ordered, it will surely be fine ...

The magic of the order

Happiness after order

In a methodological bibliography it is always better to follow the chronological order. The author Marie Kondo, with her great communication skills, has structured her books for understanding and progressive progress.

In this case we find more detailed explanations and enriching illustrations. We go from the theories to the details, from the maxims and slogans to the order of the socks.

In addition, in that claim to happiness we also find interesting filters on what is necessary and superficial, that is, on all those goods that we might not have to keep. The detachment of the superfluous must be done from the awareness of the use and the available space.

The magic of everyday life

It is not a question of talking for the sake of talking, of applying something as grand as the word "magic" to the day to day. Because it really is. When you see that you are able to control in a simple way. depending on a respected and comfortable order, any aspect of your home or office, and that the concept of looking for something becomes going for something, there is a magic of tranquility, of security, of the control of that clock that passes from being an executioner to an ally. If having your life more fully is not true magic, you will tell me what it is.

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