Don't miss the 3 best books by HP Lovecraft

Cult author where there is, delivered to a very particular genre of terror, HP Lovecraft He wrote his own universe between the mythological and the Gothic, with a fatalistic tinge with which he colored reality through his fantastic proposals.

His work, developed mainly at the dawn of the 20th century, showed a retro nineteenth-century touch, where he found greater inspiration for fantastic recreations and sinister proposals of that imaginary, still valid in certain spaces, in which evil was something ghostly, infernal, capable of inhabiting the soul of humans between the awakening to science, evolution and modernity.

As a cult author that he is, his rarities, his compendiums, everything that appears to his work in a particular way, is widely accepted among his devotees. If you want to enjoy everything written by Lovecraft, this 2019 compilation can be your work:

Lovecraft pencil case

Point out your three most recommended books It is not an easy task, a multitude of small and large narratives of all kinds, as well as later compilation volumes, make his narrative an extensive library of its own.

3 Recommended Books by HP Lovecraft

In the mountains of madness

A sinister adventure in search of other worlds within this world, which was so small for Lovecraft. Popularized in the comic version, but also interesting in its fictionalized version.

Summary: MA first-person account of a geologist at Miskatonic University about a recent expedition led by him to the Antarctic continent and its tragic end.

The surviving professor tells how the expedition began, with airplanes and sleds pulled by dogs, and how on one of the reconnaissance flights they came across an impressive mountain range, perhaps higher than the Himalayas. A first group arrived by land in its foothills and camped at the foot of the mountains.

The explorations of the area lead the group to discover a cave in whose interior they find fourteen fossils of a stature superior to the human belonging to beings totally unknown to science: the main body of the organism is barrel-shaped, supported by a series of legs, a bouquet of tentacles arises from its upper end and has membranous wings folded back on both sides.

A second group, with which the narrator travels, loses, after this intriguing information, radio contact with the first, and heads to the place by airplane. The spectacle that awaits them upon arrival is Dantesque... Shortly afterwards, during an aerial inspection over the mountain range, they will make a historical and fascinating discovery...

In the mountains of madness

The necronomicon

It is fair to point out this book of books, a grimoire devised by Lovecraft and scattered throughout his work, as one of the most valuable contributions of this author.

In it the details of one of his most transcendent creations are detailed for us towards a diffusion of his imaginary between dark and gothic. According to Lovecraft himself, the book did not exist, but in light of this copy... Summary: Story by HP Lovecraft that originated the current legend about The Necronomicon, one of the most famous fictional books in the literary world.

The Necronomicon is a fictional grimoire (magical book), devised by Lovecraft in his stories about the Cthulhu Mythos. The neologism necronomicon would be "relating to the law (or laws) of the dead." In a 1937 letter to Harry O. Fischer, Lovecraft reveals that the book's title came to him during a dream.

Once awake, he made his own interpretation of the etymology: in his opinion it meant "Image of the Law of the Dead", because in the last element (-icon) he wanted to see the Greek word eikon (Latin icon)

The Necronomicon

The case of Charles Dexter Ward

With an undeniable style of its predecessor Poe, HP Lovecraft confronts us with a dark case, halfway between a reality that is falling apart and a gloomy fantasy that is invading everything.

Summary: Continuing the tradition of the horror tale, HP Lovecraft (1890-1937) innovated the genre with contributions from a very personal vein of themes and obsessions in which the supernatural world, esoteric knowledge and dream dreams come together.

Creator of a fantastic mythology and prolific author of stories and short stories, he also published three novels, among which The Case of Charles Dexter Ward stands out, a work in which horror is fused with narrative materials of a realistic nature in the best Lovecraftian style. Charles Dexter Ward decides to search for the traces of a mysterious ancestor, Joseph Curwen.

In his research, he meets unsuspected and terrible forces, which will bring dire consequences. This classic horror novel, with elements of vampirism, golems, spells and invocations, only warns us of a real and transcendent danger: "Do not invoke anything you cannot control."

The case of Charles Dexter Ward
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