3 best books by Ángel Sanchidrián

It never hurts to venture into the humor literature, a hybrid between fiction and reality that parodies, transforms, ridicules, satirizes or directly presents new worlds where the comic takes on a fundamental role. You have to laugh more, without a doubt.

Angel Sanchidrián is a parody cradled in social networks, that ocean of ingenuity in which the most creative burlesque, when not directly comedians who exploit their vocation, find their particular space to spread and reach more and more readers delighted to have a good time with ad hoc ingenuity.

From facebook to books as a great possibility of success ratified by the sales of their copies, from their compilation of movie reviews captured on the social network to fantastic stories where they combine creativity and imagination in abundance.

Top 3 recommended books by Ángel Sanchidrian

Film synopsis

One of the great discoveries of the Internet is that humor is the only certain thing that can freely browse the networks, without the edge of the suspicion of double intentions. Humor serves to laugh. And that's it. That is not little ...

Digital newspapers that shamelessly transform reality to make us laugh, tweeters capable of synthesizing towards the hilarious any circumstance of this chaotic precipitated world of news on the networks, post-truth and, what is worse, reality segmented as if it were advertising At this point I don't think we read the press like we used to. Right now we read what robots and cookies think we can find more interesting to reaffirm our concept of the events that occur…. sinister, no doubt.

That's why humor is the coolest thing on the net. And Ángel Sanchidrián is already a guru of humor in the networks. Initially turned into a film critic, from Facebook you could follow him with his particular viewings of the films. As soon as you started reading any criticism, laughter would go off. Stereotypes of cop movies, clichés of adventure movies ..., all disassembled. Arguments raised from the absurd that reconverted and reconvert the seventh art into a nonsense with the sole purpose of having a laugh. Imagination to transform the most tearful drama into a «film of laughter». The old cataloging that we used to make between films of laughter, shooting or scares now seems something born of this critical genius of the irreverent.

And in this book you will find up to 120 unforgettable movie synopses. Sanchidrián's humorous filter will disrupt everything so that you go from one to another with tears in your eyes from fits of laughter.

Film Synopsis. The book

Three-odd dwarfs

Humor is the best remedy for boiling blood, heartburn and the brutal indigestion of social and political reality.

But I think that we are so up to the very end of so much ilk that surrounds us, that in the end this book Three-odd dwarfs it ends up becoming, willingly or not, a pleasant literary placebo satire. Villa Trifulcas, the "singular" city of the novel could be Spain. As for the wide range of aberrant characters, from the orcs to the donkey bodyguards, all of them could easily be transfigured in a Council of Ministers or in any ordinary parliamentary session.

But hey, maybe it was just my thing to give that political reading, to farmhouse rebellion style but with real pigs ... The point is that this book Three Dwarfs and a Peak entertains. And hell, the truth is that you laugh a lot. Wifo Medroso is the character that leads us through the plot. He just wanted to do his research to complete his training in dwarfology. But Villa Trifulca, the city par excellence of the dwarves, begins to be invaded by dark characters as if taken from the apocalysis. Destruction seems the next destination of Villa Trifulca.

Wifo will have to seek his inner strength and do his best to stand up to evil in this delirious fable whose echoes always have reflections in our society. A modern novel with a convoluted plot but easy to follow for readers of this other real world so convoluted or more. Sympathetic winks of acid humor. Common pearls for an imagination that soon finds real similarities between the cascade of metaphors, hyperbole and morality. Disaster seems imminent. But perhaps Wifo did not have his last word. Perhaps he still has a chance to rebuild that world of frightened dwarves among so many evil creatures.

Three-odd dwarfs

50 shades of Luisi

The lust of every woman was awakened by that erotic novel that broke in her 5 or 6 years ago: 50 s0mbras de Gray. Groups of friends could be heard blushing and laughing as they shared scenes from the book or the movie that followed.

Undoubtedly, the erotic narrative found an unusual space on the shelves of all the libraries and bookstores in the country, the sexual debauchery had reached the letters, so that the reading brains, mostly female, reached the ecstasy of the imagination. Luisi surely discovered the panther that lived there. With the humor of the cliché, which disfigures the staff to transform it into the most comically stale of manners, we find the housewife woman who begins to feel runaway hormones, over which she feels she can let herself go, like a Doña Quijota of eroticism . The good man of Manolo will be his toy and his fetish, his graceful lover or the patient of his grotesque fantasies ...

The result is hilarious and brilliant in its composition full of contrasts on that stale labeling that still survives in some spaces. A novel only at the height of a type as imaginative and satirical as Ángel Sanchidrián, of whom I have already reviewed his previous work. Three-odd dwarfsThe most curious thing of all is that this satirical launch will coincide with the publication of a new installment of 50 Shades of Gray: Darker. Let's see who can escape the confrontation of the two novels ...

Summary: Luisi is that housewife we ​​all know. Neither fat nor skinny, neither old nor young, the typical mother, friend or neighbor that we all have and who is not ashamed to cover her head with a Carrefour bag when it rains. Nor to follow the guidelines of the 50 shades of gray if that can spice up your sex life. This traditional heroine began her adventures with "50 Shades of Luisi", the story by Ángel Sanchidrián that became a trending topic on Twitter with more than three and a half million reactions.

50 shades of Luisi

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