Top 3 Anna Todd Books

At the time I already reviewed one of Anna Todd's latest novels. An author who has lavished on many new works since her appearance on Wattpad caused a literary chain reaction, splashing millions of readers around the world.

But beyond what Anna Todd is publishing in search of new plot horizons, her loyalty to the After saga that raised her to fame remains faithful, revisiting it with a prudent cadence to keep the flame alive among so many avid readers of Tessa, Hardin and their imperfect universe of love and misunderstandings.

That is why I am going to focus on the After saga my pick of his most recommended works. It all started with that casual capitulation on the Wattpad network. Then came the admirable leap to paper thanks to a great publisher. Here more information about After's first book.

Once it crossed the indie universe, the After effect skyrocketed thanks to the biggest speaker in the traditional publishing market. And so any reader of this youth genre was able to discover the magnetism of a unique plot in which the author's narrative imprint provides maximum verisimilitude to her characters, achieving a youthful empathy that differentiates her from many other authors of this genre.

Top 3 recommended novels of the After saga


Obviously, in a phenomenon like this, you have to start at the beginning and respect the rigorous presentations. Because entering a plot developed in several installments, so rich in nuances, in twists and turns, in emotions at the rhythm of youthful passion, always needs that knowledge of cause, that starting point from which everything is projected as new lines destination to discover.

So perhaps without being the most elaborate plot, the passage here has that initiatory flavor. Even more so because the disruptive aspect in Tessa Young's life that this serial essentially contributes is born here, like a runaway flow in what until then had been an orderly river than the torrential appearance of Hardin. At times the relationship between the characters awakens mixed feelings about the possible toxicity of a relationship. But the fact is that also in difficulties, in encounters with love, the most intense passions are awakened, in tune with that age of discovery, of approaching the forbidden.

Be that as it may, Tessa's arrival at the University tunes in with millions of young people regarding the setbacks of change, the dawn of adulthood, of youth as the most authentic thing that will happen to us during our existence. Tessa guesses these notions about what it is to live. And the explosive coincidence in time and space with Hardi brings us closer to extreme emotions.

after series after anna todd

Despues de. Infinite love part 4

At any intermediate point in any relationship, a strange effect of osmosis occurs. And deep down we are all permeable to change. Perhaps a sudden jump from the first to the fourth installment produces an effect of not recognizing these two lovers in constant volcanic eruption as Tessa and Hardin. But the evolution of the plot does justify everything (and even if it were not properly argued, it is not surprising that someone can become another person when they are still young and malleable in spirit to their own will).

In the new spiritual attunement, beyond the carnal, we discover a new adventure that unites both to a point of no return, until that space in which keeping a secret becomes clearly unbearable, causing a discomfort that can dynamite it. everything. Because sometimes there are truths hidden under seven keys. And not even the most intense lover and beloved like Tessa can get to open the door without hoping that it can really be a Pandora's box of unforeseeable consequences.

Despues de. Infinite Love (After Series 4)

Despues de. Before her. Part 5

Knowing the abyss of Hardin, the attraction to know is inalienable. The time has come to know the reasons for that nihilism of the boy who at times faced his love to failure, to breakup. Ever since the saga began, Tessa's perspective flooded almost every scene with her devastating transformation. The question is to get to Hardin's psyche now, to delve into that inner fire that has led him to what he is in his still short life.

But no one is alone who claims to be. As if it were a chronicle of events, many other characters, who we already recognize from the evolution of the series, add to this characterization of the character. Because in the anecdotal we always find essential touches of being... The tandem Hessa So he finds, in this plot, a kind of balance in the full knowledge of the relationship between the lovers. Because knowing that for Hardin the chance of meeting Tessa could be a lifeline, his past and what was found in this installment is an unimaginable atonement for sins and guilt.

Despues de. Before her (After Series)
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