3 best books by Paolo Cognetti

Paolo Cognetti books

The writer Paolo Cognetti is one of those authors determined to slip into his fiction literature a point of transcendence, an almost philosophical background, a taste of history with humanistic implications. And yet it is not about writing stories with a moral or disguising the plot of complexes ...

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The Happiness of the Wolf, by Paolo Cognetti

The Happiness of the Wolf, a novel by Cognetti

Between the bucolic, the atavistic and the telluric. Cognetti's narrative is that firm footing in front of the overwhelming landscape that at the same time unites us with unfathomable forms of greatness. The unbearable lightness of the human being, which Kundera would say seems for moments eternity among ancient rocks that without ...

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The eight mountains, by Paolo Cognetti


Friendship without trivia, without subterfuge. Few of us can count friends on the fingers of one hand, in the deepest concept of friendship, in its meaning free of all interest and strengthened by dealing. In short, affection beyond any other link from where ...

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