Berta Isla, by Javier Marías


Recent controversies aside, the truth is that Javier Marías is one of those different authors, capable of bringing chicha to any story, giving everyday scenes an overwhelming weight and depth, while the plot advances with ballerina feet. that, the mind of a creator ...

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Above the rain, by Víctor del Arbol


Not long ago I read The Eve of Almost Everything, the previous novel by Víctor del Árbol, a disturbing story in the tone of a crime novel, which ends up becoming a magnificent universe of personal plots, marked by absences and tragedies. In the book Above the Rain ...

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The same compass, by David Olivas


What unites two brothers who have shared a bed since the origin of their primary cells, from that electrical spark that shoots life from an unknown space, becomes the leitmotif of this novel The Same Compass. Twins always wear it naturally. But we, the ...

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Dear girl, by Edith Olivier


Loneliness had an easy solution in childhood. In fact, it never got to be complete loneliness. The imagination could reconstruct the moment and by extension, the world. The imaginary friend was an absolutely condescending guy with your games and your ideas. Someone to entrust your entire existence with the ...

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My true story, by Juan José Millás


Unconsciousness is a common point for every child, adolescent ..., and most adults. In the book My True Story, Juan José Millás lets a twelve-year-old teenager tell us the details of his life, with a deep secret that he cannot do ...

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Where are we going to dance tonight ?, by Javier Aznar


It often happens to me that reading a book I link concepts with a very different one. In this case, the click jumped and shortly after reading I remembered La unbearable lightness of being, by Milan Kundera. It will be a question of that aroma to the magical moments of life, so rare ...

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The Many Worlds Theory, by Christopher Edge


When science fiction is transformed into a stage where emotions, existential doubts, transcendent questions or even deep uncertainties are represented, the result acquires a magically real tone in its most finalist interpretation. If, in addition, the whole of the work knows how to imbue the story with humor, it can be said that we ...

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Talk to me softly, by Macarena Berlin


Professional deformation is wonderful sometimes. With the book Talk to me softly, we all think, correctly in my opinion, of the radio program Hablar por Hablar that the author Macarena Berlin presents to us at dawn. And I mention the professional deformation because Pita, the protagonist of this novel is ...

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The sun of contradictions, by Eva Losada


Each expired decade is covered with a kind of nostalgic halo. Especially for those who enjoyed a youth already locked up in the archive of time, in its corresponding section, with its symbols and labels. The 90s breastfed a generation of privileged young people. Good work prospects loomed ...

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The Book of Parables, by Olov Enquist


Who has not lived a forbidden love? Without loving the impossible, the forbidden or even the reprehensible (always in view of others), you can probably never say that you have loved or lived, or both. Olov Enquist makes a more than probable gesture of honesty with himself. ...

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Surrender, by Ray Loriga


Alfaguara Novel Prize 2017 The transparent city to which the characters in this story arrive is the metaphor of so many dystopias that many other writers have imagined in light of the adverse circumstances that have occurred throughout history. Such ...

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