3 best Donna Leon books

Donna Leon Books

Donna Leon has that gift of only the masters of the detective genre. I am referring to that ability to build plots and more plots about crimes that are apparently insoluble and that, thanks to star characters like the good old Brunetti, end up becoming intelligible to the reader as if from a fascinating…

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Slaves of Desire, by Donna Leon

Slaves of Desire, by Donna Leon

The American writer Donna Leon owes her narrative glory to her fascination with Venice. Twenty-some years after starting to pull the thread of his first plot by Commissioner Brunetti through the city of canals, the indicated thread has made Venice a huge tapestry of cases. A coexistence ...

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With the water around the neck, by Donna Leon

With the water up to the neck

It never hurts to immerse yourself in a new story by the American Donna Leon and her indefatigable curator Guido Brunetti, someone in whom the writer turns her passion for the Italy of her youth. And I say that it never hurts because that way we can recover the old shine of ...

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The Temptation of Forgiveness, by Donna Leon


The tandem Donna Leon - Brunetti returns to roll in perfect harmony to offer us a new and impeccable plot of crime novel where the foundation of the crime is hidden between personal aspects that sprinkle on Brunetti with ruthless realism. Although Brunetti is used to directing his investigations between ...

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Mortal Remains, by Donna Leon


There is no possible rest for a policeman. Whether in fiction or in reality, you can always find out about a new case that disturbs your days off. In the case of Mortal Remains, Donna Leon places us in a fiction that transcends reality. By medical prescription, ...

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