The original miracle, by Gilles Legardinier


In the time machine, by HG Wells we were already making an initiatory journey through the past and future years of our civilization. And in a more homely reflection, the recent Ministry of Time, or his literary work Time is what it is, offers us a fanciful plot ...

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Dead or Alive, by Michael Robotham


It may sound crazy, but Audie Palmer's escape, the day before her release, and after ten years in the shadows, has a well-justified cause. While he was in prison, everyone approached him with better or worse intentions to know the whereabouts of the loot of ...

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Z, the lost city, by David Grann


There are certain myths and mysteries that are cyclically renewed in the popular imagination, as well as in cinema and literature. The Bermuda Triangle, Atlantis and El Dorado are probably the three magical locations in the world. Those that have derived the most in ink rain for ...

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The imprint of a letter, by Rosario Raro


I have always liked stories in which everyday heroes appear. It may be a little corny. But the truth is that finding a story in which you can put yourself in the shoes of that truly exceptional person, who faces cruelty, cynicism, abuse, ...

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Farm Rebellion by George Orwell


The fable as a tool to compose a satirical novel about communism. Farm animals have a clear hierarchy based on indisputable axioms.

Pigs are the most responsible for the customs and routines of a farm. The metaphor behind the fable gave much to talk about its reflection in different political systems of the time.

The simplification of this personalization of animals exposes all the pitfalls of authoritarian political systems. If your reading is only looking for entertainment, you can also read under that fabulous structure.

You can now buy Farm Rebellion, George Orwell's great novel, here:

Rebelion on the farm

The Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexander Dumas


No other life story like Edmond Dantès. If you embark on how the Count of Monte Cristo came to be such, you will experience betrayal and heartbreak, loneliness, tragedy… circumstances that could bring down anyone. But Edmond ruminates on a plan in his hatred and the winds of luck are blowing in his favor ...

You can now buy The Count of Monte Cristo, the essential novel by Alexander Dumas, in various versions and adaptations, here:

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Life of Pi, by Yann Martel


Everything. The past with its good and bad memories, with guilt and frustration ... but also the future with its hopes, its destiny to write and pending wishes. Everything is concentrated in the present when the tragedy appears near. Being shipwrecked in an ocean kills you or you ...

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