The 3 best books of Stephen King

Books of Stephen King

Expand on the reasons for considering Stephen King As the writer who marked me in my eternal vocation for writing, I could take pages and pages of a great book. Making at least a small point in this regard, I would like to point out my appreciation that the final step towards ...

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The best story books Stephen King

Stories and tales of Stephen King

In short distances, Stephen King captivates like no other author. Because that is where his narrative made into his impressionism wins us over with the detail that no one can ever draw like he can. In his stories, Stephen King A few brushstrokes are enough to make us feel (in a kind of literary somatization)…

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Holly, from Stephen King

Holly, from Stephen King, September 2023

We will have to wait until the end of the summer to give a good review of the new Stephen King. One of those stories that take up the old paths of the first King between paranormal and sinister events, or both things perfectly combined in an imaginary where everything has a place towards the most plausible...

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Best novel movies Stephen King

Movies about Stephen King

The teacher of teachers gives for much more than his mere novelistic work. And today I want to talk about the best films of Stephen King. Because although it is almost never he who directs, his narrative imprint makes him unmistakable as soon as the intense load of his ...

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Billy Summers from Stephen King

Billy Summers from Stephen King

When Stephen King it focuses, from the title of his novel and so clearly, on a character, we can fasten our seatbelts because there are curves. It is not that we are going to meet perhaps his best novel (or perhaps yes). What is clear is that we are going to enjoy ...

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After Stephen King

After Stephen King

One of those novels in which Stephen King he once again confirms the differential fact that separates him from any other author, a kind of verisimilitude of the extraordinary. Getting to blend in with the exceptional, with the extrasensory, is like once again convincing ourselves of a world as we saw it of ...

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Blood rules, of Stephen King

Blood rules

The thing of packing four short novels under the same creative umbrella already goes from old in a Stephen King that in the absence of more stories with which to cover his time gained to the fourth dimension or the devil himself, he manages as best he can with his overwhelmed imagination. I say what ...

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Elevation, of Stephen King

Elevation, of Stephen King

When Stephen King he begins to narrate about the paranormal, the heart sinks as soon as you start reading. The simple fact of returning to Castle Rock is already an invitation to the unexpected in a place that rambles between reflections of our daily lives and millions of wormholes ...

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The visitor, from Stephen King


One already loses all notion of space and time with an author like Stephen King. If you recently announced the imminent publication of Gwendy's Button Box (already published in English a long time ago), now this new novel «The Visitor» has arrived in Spain, advancing on the right, which at the ...

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Gwendy's button box from Stephen King


What would Maine be without Stephen King? Or maybe it really is that Stephen King owes much of its inspiration to Maine. Be that as it may, the telluric acquires a special dimension in this literary tandem that widely exceeds the reality of one of the most recommended states for ...

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Winter's tale, by Stephen King


Subtitled Breathing method. As I have already pointed out on some other occasion, the link that unites «Hope, eternal spring», «Summer of Corruption», «The autumn of innocence« and this last installment is a rope that is thrown into the well of the human soul, there where instincts and responses lie outside of ...

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The autumn of innocence, of Stephen King


Also titled as "The Body." What of Stephen King and the plots around kids or teenagers is a recurring theme. I don't know, it seems as if the author seeks an empathy with that young soul that once occupied us. A spirit open to fantasy or fear, ...

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