The 3 best books by Pablo Arribas

All literature of Self Help It has a more introspective side, more "psychological" to say the least, and another more emotional option. The old dilemma between reason and emotions, between intelligence and instinct. Without assuming a complete antagonism of these ideas, as this perfect balance that appears on the horizon shows emotional intelligence through ...

Anyway, Pablo Arribas cultivates more the second option in terms of that self-help, that suggestion, that placebo generated like a perfect drug synthesized inside each person. All positive stimulus, no hangovers or bad trips. This is how literature approaches happiness just because, with some master guidelines that can serve to rethink life from a notion of simplicity that is as pleasant as possible if you finally let yourself go...

Top 3 recommended books by Pablo Arribas

Live in a way that it hurts to leave

A title that connects with that maxim that indicates that one should not return to the places where one was happy. The point is that if everything where you think you were happy is in the past, we will have fallen into the trap of melancholy. And it can hurt to leave when we have little left to do. But it cannot hurt to go back in search of what has already been lived, because that is impossible, painful and completely against the current of life itself.

Hence this book that points to the right moment of pain for the game. Because that pain forges the character with which to approach what has to come in any type of trip to undertake.

In a society that avoids pain and discomfort, a call to courage is necessary. Fear, disappointment, or sadness are not the opposite of love, illusion, or joy. Everything is part of the experience of living. If we want to aspire to the golden stitches of life, we must also be willing to fall down and feel the discouragement of the stitches. The alternative is usually the middle zone, that space where to avoid injury we close the doors to the most extraordinary moments. Unfortunately, many people choose it.

Live in a way that hurts to leave is a brave life philosophy that brings us closer to dreams and deep connections through involvement, authenticity and courage. The reward? Feeling that, despite the wounds, our existence has been worth it.

Following the success of The universe of simplicity, Pablo Arribas invites us to be the protagonists of our own history, combining his already recognized reflections of personal growth with his thousand and one adventures throughout his trip around the world.

Live in a way that it hurts to leave

The universe of simplicity

What happens to us. There are inertias that seem to mark everyone's pace. Like a kind of destiny with pretenses of doom that rocks our days. But what if reality were an assumption of a certain defeat, an invitation to culminate that ultimate goal that is death with the disastrous passing of our days. Breaking with that feeling as vague as it is notorious is a matter of approaching each day with small hopes that have nothing to do with what they sell us and with the parallel materialistic dissatisfaction.

Ask yourself this question sincerely: do you live as you dreamed or have you left part of your life in the hands of fear, difficulty or the opinion of others? If you are one of those people who aspire to a life full of heart, there is only one way: courage. Dare to feel. Dare to be you. Dare to love. In short, dare to live!

The universe of simplicity It is a project for personal development and growth that has already inspired and helped millions of Internet users. Its creator, Pablo Arribas, shares in this book 50 reflections to pursue happiness with enthusiasm, optimism and simplicity.

« Every day an extraordinary opportunity opens up before us to listen to our hearts, forget about the impossibility, enjoy the journey and give dreams back the decorum, importance and place they deserve. It's time to raise our voices and remind ourselves that we only have one life and that it has to be worth it.. "

Pablo Arribas's blog The universe of simplicity It has been a finalist for Best Education and Science Blog of the Bitácoras Awards 2015 and the most voted blog by the public in its category.

The universe of simplicity

Head, heart and gut

It is about associating as a new reflexology of the most evident, what corresponds to each basic process of our drives and our thoughts. Because in the tangle of what we are we can separate ourselves into the initial chromatic essence. And analyzed everything in parts like this, it is always easier. The York Ripper already said so.

There are three ways to love: with the head, with the heart and with the gut. In the head, wanting is called preferring; in the heart, to love, and in the gut, to wish. Either you want with all three, or you are destined for chaos.

Most of our love sufferings are caused by an imbalance between head, heart and gut. But what if we could get them to work in harmony? What if, in addition, it was easier than we think? And, most importantly, what if along the way we learned to love and enjoy life like never before?

Pablo Arribas has already inspired and helped millions of people thanks to his personal development blog and his first book, The universe of simplicity. Head, heart and gut is a manual of reflections on love, loneliness and caring for oneself, others and life. A book full of inspiring stories and fundamental keys to building one of the most special and enriching bonds: the couple.

This is a book for all those who doubt, make mistakes, and still put their hearts on the table. This is, in short, a book for all those who aspire to become true lovers.

Head, heart and gut
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