The 3 best meditation books

Impossible to imagine a Buddhist monk uttering an expletive, unless he suffers from the Tourette syndrome, that the thing would already have flats. The point is that this is what it is all about, to achieve that quasi-stoic balance where nothing affects to the point of losing the balance of consciousness made a perfect mechanism.

Because the reactions are natural understanding the subjective context of each one. The question is to be able to find, in the meditation that they practice with different Buddhist, Hindu or even yogis approaches, that point of inner peace with which to refocus the circumstances that assail us or that occur in an unexpected way, as well as our own fears and limiting, frustrating, or depressing attitudes.

Nothing more metaphysical, from the point of view of self-help literature, that surrender to the reading of what illustrious minds of different cultures point out as a channel for that protesting, uncomfortable or disenchanted self that lives under our skin.

Having them there are them for all tastes, from the most classic meditation literature to its ramifications that bet on that segmentation into which everything is divided today. That is, from meditation applied to the spiritual, to meditation with vision to put karma in its place when undertaking any more pragmatic task, the roll mindfulness what is cool to call it now, pulling as almost always for the Anglo ...

Top 3 recommended meditation books

The great book of meditation

Meditation is an ancient technique that has been used for generations with multiple benefits. Source of health and well-being, its positive effects have been scientifically proven: it helps improve memory and even develops our intellectual quotient. Due to the frenetic pace of our society, this practice has become indispensable to regain inner peace, reduce daily stress and regain clarity of thought.

In this book Ramiro Calle, one of the greatest experts in yoga and meditation techniques, proposes a detailed study of these teachings and their various aspects. From radja-yoga meditation to mantra-yoga, through the Taoist current or Zen. In addition, this manual explains, in a simple and effective way, the necessary attitude to meditate, the breathing patterns and correct posture, as well as learning to correct relationships with others, improve mental, emotional and organic health, and, on everything, the way to achieve a much happier and more peaceful life.

The great book of meditation

The magic of silence

Silence, the natural habitat of meditation. In a certain way, western or eastern religions make that recollection in ourselves the inescapable environment to regain contact with the soul, our essence or whatever you want among the intangible that concerns us ...

Overwhelmed by lack of time, by overinformation and by a professional and personal life that often demands more of us than we can give, sometimes we explode and feel lost, tired and fed up with everything. What if the solution was the magic of silence? Kankyo Tannier, the author of this book, is a secular Buddhist nun and has practiced silence for several years in an idyllic cabin in the Alsace forests, in full connection with nature and animals.

Kankyo starts from this extraordinary experience, teaches us to incorporate the magic of silence (spiritual and physical) in our day to day life and helps us improve our inner state without having to change our lives. Through simple and practical exercises, this book will lead us down the path of silence and happiness: the silence of words, in order to truly grasp what is happening around us; visual silence, so that our gaze knows how to dispense with useless overinformation, and body silence, to learn to listen to what our body tells us.

The magic of silence, book

The power of Now

If we consider meditation as a necessarily spiritual exercise, Eckhart Tolle becomes our head author and his power of now the bible of the matter ...

To enter THE POWER OF NOW we will have to leave behind our analytical mind and its false self, the ego. From the first page of this extraordinary book we rise higher and breathe lighter air. We connect with the indestructible essence of our Being: "the omnipresent, eternal One Life, which is beyond the myriad forms of life subject to birth and death." Although the journey is challenging, Eckhart Tolle guides us using simple language and a simple question-answer format.

The power of Now

Other interesting meditation books ...

Sometimes you find curious books where a real 180º turn is given to an approach to end up renovating, pulling avant-garde or offering alternatives. Meditation and sport, meditation and the sea ...

Surfing and meditation

Editorial Siruela recently presented us with the book Swimming in open water, an interesting introduction to the sea as a space between the physical and the spiritual for any human who immerses himself in the waters of the open sea. And this time the same publisher once again invites us to a maritime reading towards the most transcendental.

If there is a maritime activity or sport that draws more and more devotees eager to interact directly with the rough sea, that is surfing. For the layman it is about challenging the irrepressible force of the waves, for lovers of this sport it reaches that point of balance between risk, passion, challenge, life in abundance and control over the sea made natural vigor.

It is, as the story of one of these surfers announces, of feeling like a fish and a bird, a kind of consciousness camouflaged with the natural, back to the atavistic, the sensation of the human returning to the place where he came from, stripped of all convention.

Entering the tube of a wave, the surfer enjoys a period of eternity recognized as mindfulness. A glorious moment that will become peremptory seconds in which you can submit to survival at the whim of the breaking wave, which explodes, delivering the surfer to an essential fight.

A cleansing, healing process. A sense of integration from a primary state of alert against the natural danger of the sea. An ecological conscience lost by our lifestyle and that surfing recovers for our senses and also for our spirit, abandoning artificial ballast and conditioning factors.

A book in whose brilliant descriptions we can begin to feel what it is like to enter the sea in that melee, from our smallness to the ungovernable everything composed of that water that bathes the coasts of the world. A narrative that opens to us from a philosophical notion brimming with vitalism and that ends up fully justifying this sport of improvised rules by the whims of the waves.

Surfing and meditation
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