3 best books by Ian Manook

writer Ian Manook

Sometimes the exotic serves perfectly to enliven a literary genre adocerated from the common or typical scenarios. Noir literature has that I don't know what connection with the western, with the socio-political systems of a world replicated in its apparent greatness and its hidden miseries. So the …

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3 best books by Elisa Beni

Elisa Beni's books

The circumstances are what they are and ungrateful is the one who does not take advantage of them. Among the host of gifted writers, fortune makes the difference. Elisa Beni is today a writer with that star as a derivative of her popularity and her journalistic side. Almost no one remembers that first and ...

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The 3 best books by Samuel Beckett

Samuel Beckett Books

Samuel Beckett can be called a pessimist, a nihilist, a dark and symbolic man, a cultivator of the absurd. And yet, nothing is more vital than surviving to tell it. Nothing more human than trying to calm internal demons and general fears typical of wars and post-wars. For restless spirits…

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The 3 best books of Alejandro Corral

Books of Alejandro Corral

From such a stick to such a splinter or how literature is transmitted from generation to generation. From a popularizer of History but also an essential narrator of historical fiction in Spain such as José Luis Corral, to a scion with similar creative sap. Only in Alejandro's case ...

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Andy Weir's 3 Best Books,

Andy Weir books

Perhaps the cinema always falls short to cover the entire scope of literature (contradicting that a picture is worth a thousand words). I mean, we generally prefer the book to the movie. But in the case of Andy Weir, the cinema served ...

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3 best books by Julián Casanova

Julián Casanova's books

The historian Julián Casanova is one of the great disseminators of the future of XNUMXth century Europe and with greater zeal in the Spain of the same century. It is true that its focus, let's say, tends to a historiography of revolutions, to those social convulsions from the grassroots movements. ...

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3 best books by José Calvo Poyato

Books by José Calvo Poyato

The plethora of great current narrators of historical fiction in Spain is configured around a diversity of feathers that come from historical academic training or art in many cases. But we also find great writers of this type of fiction from that autodidacticism of the writer without further conditioning, ...

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3 best Joe Hill books

A parent is always the best teacher. It occurs in any profession and, of course, it can also be fundamental in the case of a Joe Hill in whose magnitude of his father figure, nothing less than Stephen King, resides much of the most universal narrative knowledge. If the inexhaustible teacher was ...

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3 best books by Emilio Lara

Books by Emilio Lara

The historical novel has in authors such as Eslava Galán or Emilio Lara those narrators necessary to give greater perspective on the facts, events and chronicles of past days. Because you have to learn from the official history, but to contextualize everything, nothing better than a good novel well ...

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The 3 best books by Berna González Harbor

The wickers of the feminine crime novel were woven between authors such as Alicia Giménez Bartlett, the absolute and successful pioneer, or a Berna González Harbor that was also finally delivered to the noir from journalism. They were anticipation and mirror in the immediate subsequent takeoff of a Dolores Redondo that would end ...

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The best books by Luisgé Martín

Books by Luisgé Martín

In the Madrid writer Luisgé Martín we discover one of those original storytellers out of pure effort. His novels and essays connect with that fatalistic vision of everything. A lucidity, with its sinister point, in front of which there is no other than to overcome and go out to split the face with the ...

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3 best John Green books

John Green Books

The youth narrative is one of the most ebullient genres of new authors with fresh voices and attractive proposals for readers eager for vital and vital stories. The first youth books carry considerable weight in shaping the reader of tomorrow. So authors like John ...

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