The 3 best books by Laura Gallego

At some point, still at an early age, who most who least has experienced the sensation of writing something relevant, a great story or story. However ephemeral the will, the point is that it is enjoyed by conquering new spaces of the imagination between childhood and adolescence. It was about writing about emotions or inventing a story, but the bottom line was much more transcendent ...

Many are those who end up returning that pencil back to the case after the first or second attempt (to endow the matter with a certain romanticism, although here all God already writes on the keyboard). Many others take a liking to him and continue to write, and write ..., and write.

That was what a Laura Gallego Garcia already established as a great writer of children's literature and youthful. I think so according to his first official biography notes that appear here and there.

On some occasion, another great author of children's literature that I will one day bring to this space, told me that writing children's and young people's literature was more difficult than doing it in any other genre. And I completely agree with him. Maintaining that fresh transforming empathy, that ability to move through crystalline emotions is not easy at all. If the writer does not handle himself well in this exercise of mimicry, the hit is assured.

Laura Gallego maintains that special feeling with children and young people, perhaps because of that fidelity to the writing born already in his tender 11 years. Of course, for the thing to come to fruition it is not only a matter of liking it, the imagination must come as standard to be able to create a magnetic universe with which to catch so many young people from all over the world.

Top recommended novels by Laura Gallego

Idhun's memories

The fantasy genre acquires great richness and fertility in combination with a youthful appearance. In fact, everything fantastic has an undeniable aspect of narrative for young spirits.

Under this premise, the Idhún Memories trilogy should be reviewed as a harmonious set of the fantasy genre with shades between epics and life adventure in which the reader immerses himself accompanying Jack, Victoria and many other characters who assume the mission of compensating the balance natural between Land Limbhad and Idhún.

Any of these worlds can go into high alert when evil, represented in this case by its greatest exponent Ashran, approaches them for malicious purposes. Throughout the trilogy, the adventure continues with the emotion typical of the fantastic, of the protagonists dedicated to the cause of good among sinister prophecies, omens, ancestral powers and oracles in which to consult uncertain futures...


Two candles for the devil

Laura Gallego lives not only from youth literature. In this novel he shows that his narrative genius can also be extended to proposals more focused on the adult reader.

It is not about abandoning one's own imagination but about prolonging those worlds of darkness, fears, adventures and battles between good and evil towards the psyche of a more seasoned reader. Fantasy also maintains an existential point.

Feelings such as loneliness or abandonment have that reflection between spiritual and esoteric capable of being detected in a good fantasy novel. Cat is the daughter of a dead angel. Her revenge moves her towards a transcendental fight to stop some demons capable of anything in order to essentially govern our world.


When you see me

One of the last novels by Laura Gallego that became very close to me, in some way. Some boys in front of a magazine of the institute that they are taking out as they can to nurture their environment with the freshest news.

In "Voices", which is the name of the publication, they learn of certain paranormal events. Some kind of invisible presence is attacking people at their until recently quiet Institute.

With investigative instincts and fear in their bodies, apprentice journalists will face the strangest news, the darkest reality they could imagine ...

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6 comments on “The 3 best books by Laura Gallego”

  1. For my taste, Memories of idhun is the best, but, Chronicles of the Tower, the bestiary of Axlin and the daughters of Tara are also the cane.


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