The 3 best books by Alejandro Jodorowsky

And we arrive at one of those orchestral men, the diverse creator who has touched almost all possible genres in the widest range of literature, in cinematography and theater, in the graphic arts and in oratory as therapy, even.

Of course, I mean the universal Chilean Alejandro Jodorowsky (the other, for me, universal of Chilean letters along with Roberto bolaño), heir to surrealism, but in an almost therapeutic aspect to end up approaching the creative with that purity that offers the reduction to the absurd, the deepening into the unconscious..., an old well from which only the great creators are capable of returning with wonderful ideas and proposals towards a life made a work and a legacy.

In the most literary part, on which I dare to speak here, the books of a Jodorowsky who is already 90 years old, offer a vast landscape from science fiction to philosophy, poles sometimes seen as opposed by reason and rambling and which, in the end, are annexed in a multitude of works of the fantastic genre that end up incorporating the most projective philosophy.

But close to a single notion about the Jodorowsky writer is to renounce a discovery that must be made by oneself, with no other conditions than the mere idea that something great opens up in front of one ...

3 recommended books by Alejandro Jodorowsky

The Incal

Yes, we started with a comic, a comic book made a masterpiece. Who didn't start by reading comics? Who has not been seduced by those books full of scenes and action among the texts that perfectly blend with each gesture? Jodorowsky became with this work one of the greatest of this illustrated genre.

Of course, to discuss the value of this work, we must not omit its joint production with Jean Giraud. But the important thing is that the narrative and its images elevate the world of comics to another level.

In a 100% CiFi setting, in which the bland John Difool must assume his role as the liberator of the galaxy. And in the journey through the new worlds with his inseparable Deepo and his assistants, John Difool ends up becoming an Ulysses of modernity, facing an unknown world on which we must open our imagination and even our perception to enjoy a unique journey to the confines of our existence.

The Incal, by Jodorowski

The way of the Tarot

The esoteric couldn't be something foreign to a guy like Jodorowsky. And although the undersigned considers these types of matters as placebos of the soul, the level of depth in the magical culture of the Tarot towards the interpretation of a multitude of human aspects, acquires a point of scientific foundation in this work.

With the seventy-eight tarot cards, an exponential interpretation can be covered for anyone who seeks answers, with a combination of dreamlike due to the images that compose it, mythological and spiritual due to the concepts they contain.

When Jodorowsky began in Paris that sequel to surrealism that was the Panic movement, the submerged part of the iceberg of our existence, unconsciousness, forever marked an author who, through the Tarot based therapies and gave himself to the value of so many personal or general symbols, in an imaginary that practically composes a new religion towards the ultimate interpretation, towards the most conclusive answers about who we are, about destiny and about the real possibilities of our free will.

Psychomagic Manual

How could it be otherwise, the knowledge of such a particular "science", heir to the Tarot, and developed by Jodorowsky from his exuberant imagination, finds that compilation with which to inspire possible readers made patient, confident in acquiring a new perspective with which to face so many problems that assail us in the mismatch between our intoxicated subjectivities and an objectivity that can end up being a magical composition accompanied by a cosmic symphony, of a rhythm generated in a distant big bang considered as the beginning of the game, as a deal of letters unknown but loaded with meaning.

This tutorial, to put it another way, is not the panacea of ​​happiness or well-being, it is about knowing how to approach situations as plays, tricks that confront us with a violent and dark life in which we are always inferior but from which we can end up extracting the best way of being.

The healing starts from that subjective notion in which, definitely, the placebo of our interpretation of the plays, of our vital steps, writes the best script towards overcoming any setback.

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1 comment on “The 3 best books by Alejandro Jodorowsky”

  1. The part that science has despised, the part that Freud worried, but that academia despises, is the most intense and immense part of man, but science does not care about that. Alejandro, has known how to scrutinize that infinite internal universe that we possess. The objective world in which we have located and which we are also destroying, is gradually moving us away from trying to penetrate and understand, if possible, the subjective universe.


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