Books by the infamous Adolf Hitler

Note that in this blog, with its specific category for the best books by each author, I always make a subjective selection on the quality of the novels, books or essays and establish the final order that I consider for each work.

The point is that for Adolf Hitler I would not dare to determine a selection of his "best books." Hitler just wrote. And as such writing facet I have encouraged myself to write this entry that I will try to address with other very different guidelines to the consideration of the best of his handwriting, because in the seed of the ideology that could translate black on white Hitler ended up germinating much of the History black of the modern world.

And why write an entry on Hitler's books then?

The point is that not long ago I undertook a singular task. For an eternal apprentice writer like me, any suggestive idea can end up being translated into a book. And that happened when I learned about the conspiracy versions that established a possible Hitler escape on the same day that his double died in his office in the bunker.

Thus The arms of my cross, (available on Amazon in paper or ebook ;). A short epistolary novel in which he reconstructed a diary of that supposed Hitler who fled to Argentina.

Of course, to write my novel I investigated the life and work of Hitler, downloaded his emblematic "My Struggle" in my ebook and read it with investigative interest. This is how I approached the reconstruction of the character during the time of life after that supposed escape from Berlin to a remote place in southern Argentina ...

From that reading and from the searches here and there, with video viewings, with readings of testimonies and with a trip to the Spanish death camp of Mauthausen that emerged in a very timely manner, I ended up gathering a multitude of ideas and impressions that ended spilling over the book with an intensity unheard of for me.

Already in due course, we go there with those Hitler Featured Books, either in his own handwriting or compilations of his words spoken in those creepy rallies with outstretched arms and banners full of swastikas ...

My struggle

Reading this book does not appear with the gloomy aspect of someone who knows the ultimate results of war, delirium, xenophobia and the final solution. Abstracting from everything we could consider that we are reading the work of a prosperous guy, who has thrived from the particularities of a difficult life, from misery and the deepest losses. If anything, in the middle of the narration of the first days of the adult Hitler, a marked telluric force already begins to be elucidated, an attachment to the land and the homeland as support for everything that would come later.

The young Hitler who wandered through Vienna observed with a growing point of frustration the social drift of that imperial capital. Perhaps that frustration was already born from his inability to carve out a future in art or architecture, where he did not pass the necessary screening. Before this critical stage in the creation of the monster, a phase full of renunciations and avid readings by the lucid minds of the time, we also know the impressions of the child led with an iron fist by an official father... and everything is going together.

The First World War was the final trigger for the liberation of the beast that hides its motives for destruction and evil in the homeland. The path from there opened up to everything that came after, through an apparently constructive ideology that is exhibited with frenzied lucidity throughout the book.

My fight, Hitler

30 speeches by Adolf Hitler

Oratory was Hitler's sinister art for the imposition of fear through its gravity and its histrionics born from the absolute madness of power. His small figure was gigantic on pulpits raised to the maximum over armies or civilians.

As I indicated in my book about a possible apocryphal biography of Hitler, he was the dog that best barked Goebbels' messages, a tandem towards the worst of madness. Listening to Hitler was hypnotism back then. Only the most calm analysis of reading it reveals the most contradictory tricks and nuances of the message.

30 Adolf Hitler's speech

With these two books one can get closer to the child Adolf Hitler, the young man who begins to awaken to the notion of an intoxicated world that needs to be disinfected and the adult who already exposes his words on the pulpit after adopting the figure of a war hero and the only politician capable of removing the millenary German people from their precarious state ...

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