An Almost True Story, by Mattias Edvardsson

An Almost True Story, by Mattias Edvardsson
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The idea, the synopsis, the first pages ..., everything evokes Joel Dicker and Harry Quebert case. It is fair to admit it that way.

But immediately the story takes on a very different rhythm and an approach that, although it partly uses the flashback resource as a trick and effect with which to engage the reader without remission, provides even greater sophistication to the delight of the reader.

Looking for a good story to tell is the desire of every writer or aspiring to the trade. Zack Levines is one of those who intends to tell the story never told, the million-dollar bestseller ...

Only he knows he has it, he has the perfect plot except for a few setbacks.

Everything is in the past, in his youth. Back then, in 1996, Zack suspected the writer who was stirring restlessly inside him. Together with other colleagues, he attends a course in Literary Creation.

Probably the motivation of those three friends back then was not the same. In fact, the imposing presence of Professor Li Karpe awakened them more libido than metalinguistic concerns.

We go back to 2008, the starting point…, Zack already has the title of the novel, the cursor blinks after the word e of the title The innocent murderer, but can he tell it? and what is worse, he must follow the facts at face value or it would be worth hiding certain aspects. Even worse doubts assail you, after twelve years, do you miss something?

The 90s were those glorious years of revelry and academic training, the balance that so many young people seek to achieve ...

Zack studied at the prestigious Lund University in Sweden. And although he has good memories of her, he knows that it was not always all fun.

What's more, his creative gaps, those that make it impossible for him to close the plot of his novel, look to the worst days at that university ... But now he needs to know what those shadows are, those doubts about what really happened.

Contacting friends is his only way out of the creative quagmire that begins to scratch also in Zack's most vital plot.

Everything revolves around Leo Stark, that writer who introduced you to the fascinating Li Karpe. He was the one who ended up leading them towards the blurred border between fiction and reality. Getting the four of them together now resembles a séance, or even an exorcization.

The truth awaits you, with its icy open arms.

You can now buy the novel An almost true story, the new book by Mattias Edvardsson, here:

An Almost True Story, by Mattias Edvardsson
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