The president has disappeared. Bill Clinton and James Patterson

The president has disappeared. Bill Clinton and James Patterson
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Every great bestselling writer would dream of having a former president of the United States to write a mystery novel.

But it must also be recognized that a former president of the United States like Bill Clinton also benefits by appearing as a joint writer of a book together with one of the greats: James Patterson. Because although it is true that Barack Obama has already published two books since he left his chair (interesting books by the way in that they contribute more of his human aspect than a lavish story in the style of some unnameable Spanish president), the point is that the leap to fictional narrative has been exclusive to Bill Clinton.

The point is that in the Clinton-Patterson symbiosis both win. And as far as the reader is concerned, the tandem also brings its benefits.

To begin with, the approach of a president made in the USA who disappears from the White House to the surprise of locals and strangers points to total credibility in terms of the way and the results if the one who writes is none other than Clinton himself, who writes with knowledge of cause on the remote possibilities of a prisoner being kidnapped ...

The biggest problem is that after the disappearance come doubts about espionage, cyberattacks and some mole introduced into the sphere closest to the president. Curling the loop, you can think that even the president himself is immersed in some strange plan that for the moment destabilizes the entire United States and the world.

The details about the supposed internal security workings, the exhaustive information transformed into literary avatars under the unmistakable tone of Patterson suspense, end up presenting a novel of maximum tension that puzzles as long as it can really reveal transcendental security aspects ...

You can now buy the novel The President Has Disappeared, the new book by James Patterson with Bill Clinton, with a discount for accesses from this blog, here:

The president has disappeared. Bill Clinton and James Patterson
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