Thinking with your stomach, by Emeran Mayer

Thinking with your stomach, by Emeran Mayer
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A well-nourished brain rules better. if we also accompany it with a body full of good nutrients, we will be able to reach our optimum level in order to undertake any task. In the pages of this book we are illustrated on how to achieve that ideal balance in which emotions and chemistry are penetrated to predispose us towards that much vaunted emotional intelligence.

In Thinking with the Stomach, Dr. Emeran Mayer lays out the keys and presents a simple and practical diet that will help us maintain an optimal dialogue between mind and body to achieve innumerable health and mood benefits.

We have all experienced the connection between mind and gut at some point. Who doesn't remember getting dizzy in a stressful or risky situation, having made an important decision based on a first impression, or feeling butterflies in their stomach before a date?

Today this dialogue, as well as its impact on our health, can be scientifically proven. Brain, gut and microbiome (the community of microorganisms that reside in the digestive system) communicate in a bidirectional way. If this communication path is damaged, we will suffer problems such as allergies to certain foods, digestive disorders, obesity, depression, anxiety, fatigue and a long etcetera.

Cutting-edge neuroscience combined with the latest discoveries about the human microbiome are the basis of this practical guide that, through simple changes in diet and lifestyle, teaches us to be more positive, improve our immune system, decrease the risk of developing diseases such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's, and even losing weight.

You can buy the book Thinking with your stomach, by Dr. Emeran Mayer, here:

Thinking with your stomach, by Emeran Mayer
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