Find Me, by JS Monroe

Look for me, JS Monroe
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Jar senses that he must continue looking for his girlfriend, who has officially died under the waters of the pier. He was so connected to her that it is impossible for him to understand why Sara decided to get out of the way. After his disappearance, and with the verdict of justice already decanted towards suicide, Jar still lives in that timeless time, waiting to meet again with his beloved Sara.

As a reader, in Jar's obsession you begin to share the same vain hope, longing for the boy's visions, his entry into total neurosis, to eventually lead to something positive.

That is why the arrival of an email ends up marking a roll in Jar's heart as well as yours. The constant hallucination of a living Sara seems to point to an enigmatic and hopeful resolution. You just have to go in search of the girl with faith.

I do not know, this novel, somehow hooks you from a very close aspect. It is as if one of those disappearances that appear on the news suddenly takes refuge inside you, with the perspective of someone involved directly under Jar's skin.

And you hope that fiction is more benevolent this time than reality usually is. That's why you keep reading, heartbroken by the thriller but hopeful in the reconciling power of literature, where the bad, the perverse, the worst, can be suddenly struck down by a ray of light.

It will be or will it not be. Jar will do everything on his part, and you will accompany him as if you were accompanying a loved one whom you initially intended to free from his torment and whom you later invite to launch into the mystery of that email.

A high-flying thriller that the very Clare mackintosh recommends.

You can buy the book find me, the latest novel by JS Monroe, here:

Look for me, JS Monroe
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