The Hartung Affair, by Soren Sveistrup


The Nordic crime novel has in its Danish side an intense Jussi Adler-Olsen around his particular police scene of the Department Q and a promising Soren Sveistrup who has just joined the northernmost noir from the scripts for television series. And this novel has a lot ...

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Towards Beauty, by David Foenkinos


To speak of Foenkinos is to approach one of the fundamental authors of the current narrative, with that generational change that points to the classic literature of a century from now, of the narrator who reflected the intrahistory of a XNUMXst century submerged between individualism and alienation as principle conflict ...

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Mom, by Jorge Fernández Díaz


The theme of this novel is disguised under the title of a famous song by The Clash, "Should I stay or should I go?" (Should I stay or should I go?) It is because of that connotation to doubt, to that mixture of hope and dark certainty that nothing invites you ...

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The island of rabbits, by Elvira Navarro


Every great short story writer never ends up living in that place of short stories, a universe limited in space but conducive to the most endless presentations. Another great young author today, comparable to Elvira Navarro, such as Samanta Schweblin from Argentina, knows this well. In this new book by ...

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