White King, by Juan Gómez Jurado

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Good suspense stories turn into great ones when your end knows how to combine the closure of every turn and pending issue, but with a parallel invitation to elucubration. A plot can be sentenced at the same time that it is possible to point to what could have been or what could become.

Juan Gomez-Jurado It seems that his series on Antonia and Jon is coming to an end. And then the dilemma arises as an author about whether to resume it or not, about whether to abound in new cases or leave this already mythical tandem on that podium of the great teams of literature.

En "White king" making a review without screwing it up is hard. Because as soon as it is said, that enigmatic evolution of the events can be destroyed, concatenated with the mastery of a narrator made a goldsmith of the dark. The black gender Spanish already owes much to these improvised and brilliant researchers, with fascinating synergies that point to the deductive but also to the human, in that balance not always so easy to find in novels of their kind.

Every third work in a series points to closure. The trilogy seems like the ultimate goal. But in view of the fondness (almost almost a demand) of the readers for this saga, it will be difficult for its author to finally not feel indebted to continue presenting new cases to its protagonists.

For now, let's enjoy this round novel, well above «Black Wolf». Because the second part was good but this new installment acquires greater high flights. Just read and feel your heart racing ...

You can now buy the novel "Rey blanco", by Juan Gómez Jurado, here:

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