Voice, by Christina Dalcher

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It seems easy to imagine that when Margaret Atwood wrote The Handmaid's Tale, surely the story would take time to be considered by publishers until its edition in 1985. Those were other times and that of a feminist dystopia would sound as strident as a policewoman starring in a crime novel ...

And yet the story, thanks to the undoubted creative genius of its author, and to that strange echo that the works reach when they are rescued by digital platforms, is today already an emblem of the most vindictive feminism. Because in that novel a sinister hyperbole was generated that in the end did reveal the harsh realities of women in almost every historical process.

So powerful is this story already that we now find echoes as interesting as that of this other novel "Voice", by the American Christina Dalcher, precisely a specialist in phonetics to better understand the narrative proposal ...

Because the story is about that, about the voice, the basic element for our communication. The leading role in this search for the most sinister analogy is for a Jean McClellan who suffers in her flesh the same dictation imposed on all women, prevented from pronouncing more than those 100 words allowed per day, an insane communicative selection that points directly to limitations much more certain of our world.

Only Jean can serve the cause of the extermination of all female will. If women stopped speaking the genocide of reason would be absolute for half of the world's population. The experiment sounds as egregious as some of the slogans orwellians. And it happens that Jean is a neurolinguist, an exhaustive connoisseur of the mechanics of speech, of the essential neural functioning of communication.

When she is required as a specialist to recover the President's brother, what she senses as a gesture that can change everything, ends up becoming a foray into the most abject plan that persists in the annulment of all female freedom space. And that's when Jean finds himself at the crossroads of fighting to change things, putting his life and that of his daughter in danger or assuming that, in the face of the powerful machinery of annihilation, all is lost ...

You can now buy the novel Voice, the new book by Christina Dalcher, here:

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