The Art of War Between Companies, by David Brown

Sun Tzu wrote his book «El arte de la guerra»Back in the XNUMXth century BC. Many battles later, and from the XNUMXth century until today, the new conflicts where to apply good or bad arts are disputed between multinationals or state corporations. We then turn to the art of war between companies with resources so destructive to the wettest dreams of Genghis Khan himself.

Defeating the competition takes some strategy and quite a bit of the same taste for annihilation that the warrior hordes put into practice so that not the slightest trace of the enemy was left. Companies such as current corporations were growing in the heat of different contexts with their changing market niches. Modern capitalism took off after the industrial revolution and the question was and is to eat the whole cake with childish eagerness capable of anything.

But it is also true that it is lawful to pretend to submit to competition. Ambition comes standard in the human condition and demonizing it is thus a disservice to an instinct halfway between emotions and reason. Goods, private property, profits ... all part of the same idea of ​​what is desired as elements available before our hands.

The question in this book is to discover jaw-dropping strategies, dog-to-dog poker games between well-known brands that reached the top or sank precisely in the escalation of the others ... In love, in war and in the business anything goes. From the collapse of Nokia in mobile phones to the strangely dubious coexistence of Coca Cola and Pepsi, who would say that they cannot be the same brand fictionalizing a competition… It's all a matter of insider information about it.

And the author of this book has a lot of that. Because in the end there is no milestone without a legend. The great climbers of the ladder in big business do like Dominguín when he had his thing with Ava Gadner. Yes, they, too, run off to tell it, to reveal that they are responsible for the fact that their opponent has stamped on the ground, leaving their stock prices as pure rubbish. Nothing personal, just business ...

This is how crude the picture is when it comes to learning the ins and outs of the business world. Learn to probe the abysses beyond ethics, disguise it as a stock market operation or a production strategy and take everything that can be carried forward ... It is true that the task sometimes brims with ingenuity, pure strategy with a visionary point. Everything is a matter of staying with the positive.

You can now buy the book "The Art of War Between Companies", by David Brown, here:

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