The 3 best books of Santiago Posteguillo

Books by Santiago Posteguillo

Probably the most original Spanish writer of historical novels is Santiago Posteguillo. In his books we find pure historical narrative but we can also enjoy a proposal that goes beyond historical facts to delve into the history of thought or art or literature. The originality …

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And Julia challenged the gods, by Santiago Posteguillo

And Julia challenged the gods

Historically, Julia Domna lived through her glorious time as a Roman empress for eighteen years. In the literary field, it is Santiago Posteguillo who has recovered it to green those laurels (never better brought the laurel as a Roman symbol of victory par excellence), and incidentally make a feminine ...

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I, Julia, by Santiago Posteguillo


If anyone has the magic formula to succeed in the historical fiction genre, it is Santiago Posteguillo (with the permission of a Ken Follet who, although he is much more recognized, it is no less true that he fictionalizes rather than historicizes) And Posteguillo is that perfect alchemist precisely because of his ...

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The seventh circle of hell, by Santiago Posteguillo


That artistic creation in general and literary creation in particular has largely been fed by tormented souls is unquestionable. I do not believe that there is any creator who has not searched in the deepest recesses of perdition, hopelessness, melancholy, oblivion or ...

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