The two of us, by Xavier Bosch


At first it was not clear to me what it was that caught my attention in this novel. His synopsis was presented simple, without great pretensions or an enigmatic plot. It is well that it was a love story, and that a romantic novel does not have to be covered with any sophistication. But …

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The kisses on the bread, from Almudena Grandes


The economic crisis and the undeniable parallel crisis of values ​​is already a choral story. A microcosm of silenced voices amid cold statistics. Data and more data conveniently cooked for the pride of economic interests and political clappers of all kinds. The kisses in the ...

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The other part of the world, by Juan Trejo


Choose. Freedom should basically be that. The consequences come later. Nothing heavier than being free to choose your destiny. Mario, the protagonist of this story, made his choice. Career promotion or love are always a good excuse to tip vital choices to one side or ...

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Time. Everything. Locura, by Mónica Carrillo


Singular book by the well-known presenter Mónica Carrillo. Halfway between the micro-story, the aphorism and the single verse. A kind of urban poetry that dazzles from the first composition. Because the whole is a charming mixture that composes images and sensations, that raises farewells or approaches, sadness or ...

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The regatta, by Manuel Vicent


The regatta, the last work of Manuel Vicent, has two readings. Or three or more, depending on the reader-reader. It is what has the paradise that was granted to us on Earth. We can all participate in it to the extent that we want to believe in appearances or know how to appreciate realities ...

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An imperfect family, by Pepa Roma


This novel is officially presented to us as a novel for women. But I honestly disagree with that label. If it is considered that way because it speaks of that possible matriarchy that historically kept the secrets of any family and that hid the miseries of the outside doors, it makes little sense. There is not …

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The Five and I, by Antonio Orejudo


The protagonist of this novel, Toni, was a voracious reader of those series of books "The Five". Between innocence and the revolution that reading was (and still is) in those early childhood years, reading any book always becomes a mark, a ...

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Beyond winter, from Isabel Allende


A novel by Isabel Allende that dives into a hot topic. In a world that is increasingly unsupportive to the emigrant, and with situations that border on the ominous of our human condition, the Chilean writer will set the example of the close as the only cure for xenophobia. ...

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Land of fields, by David Trueba


David Trueba seems to have fictionalized the script for a still unpublished film, a road movie that has taken the reverse path of the typical book-film process. But of course, only a film director can go through this process in the opposite direction film - book and that, in addition, it turns out well. ...

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The hidden part of the iceberg, by Màxim Huerta


The city of lights also produces, consequently, its shadows. For the protagonist of this story, Paris becomes a space of memories, a melancholic wasteland in the middle of the big city, the same city that once housed happiness and love. For the big Romantics with capital letters of the ...

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