The 3 best books by Eduardo Mendoza and more…

Eduardo Mendoza's books

We come to one of the greatest stylists of current literature in Spanish. A narrator who, from the moment he took off, made it clear that he came to establish himself as a reference in that literature that baffles critics, capable of adjusting to what is popular but also loaded with...

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Transhipment in Moscow, by Eduardo Mendoza

Transshipment in Moscow book

Rufo Batalla reaches the end of his trilogy "The Three Laws of Motion" in perfect condition and with full powers. Eduardo Mendoza keeps us fit and well fed to undertake this unique triptych adventure. Confirming Rufo Batalla a leading role in deliveries, somehow the mythical Ceferino ...

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The yin and yang business, by Eduardo Mendoza

Drawing on that creative freedom that Eduardo Mendoza has always shown, the saga opened with the previous novel "The King Receives" finds a new replica in this installment around the quixotic Rufo Batalla and his insurmountable magnetism to undertake epic adventures. And once again the matter ...

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The king receives, by Eduardo Mendoza


Yesterday is history. In the same way that any decade of the XNUMXth century, however close it may be, is already part of a history that those of us who go through part of this century still feel as part of our lives. And in that dual space between memory and facts ...

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The beards of the prophet, by Eduardo Mendoza


It is curious to think of the first approaches to the Bible when we are very young. In a reality still in the making and governed for the most part by childhood fantasies, the scenes of the Bible were assumed to be perfectly true, without any metaphorical sense, nor was it necessary. ...

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