The 3 best books by Alberto Vázquez Figueroa

Books by Alberto Vázquez Figueroa

For me, Alberto Vázquez-Figueroa was one of those authors of transition in youth. In the sense that I read him avidly as a great author of exciting adventures, while he prepared me to make the leap towards more thoughtful readings and more complex authors. He would say more. Surely in the apparent thematic lightness of it...

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Goodbye Mister Trump, by Alberto Vázquez-Figueroa


Alberto Vázquez-Figueroa is a writer for whom I profess a special affection. His narrative agility and his tendency to tell attractive stories, profusely documented on his settings around the world, always seemed fascinating to me. If we add his story of live rhythm, handling a rich language and with characters constructed in detail, ...

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