No Compromise, by Lisa Gardner

Without obligation
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Without a doubt, Tessa Leoni is one of the most emblematic researchers of the thriving female incorporation to the prominence of crime novels.

And the case that is presented to us in this new installment: Without compromiso brings a new interpretation of the genre as an explosive combination of thriller, police and black. To begin with, with the disappearance of all the members of the Denbe family, Tessa Leoni must catch up on the circumstances of an obviously perfect family. Nothing other than the kidnapping for economic interests can justify the disappearance.

But as soon as he begins to track down the wealthy father, the devoted mother to his family and the perfect daughter, he begins to glimpse a hidden reality, a family nucleus that, from the inside, has rather tried to hide its miseries. Miseries that connect with sinister aspects of society, with that wild side, so apparently far from the status of the Denbe.

Shortly after any kidnapping, the kidnappers contact the remaining relatives to request their ransom. But no one around the Denbes knows anything about calls or requests for money in exchange for freedom.

Where are the Denbes then? What has happened to them?

Tessa Leoni will have to make use of better investigative skills, her instincts and any hunch to minimally channel a case that seems to border on abduction. Everything Tessa can muster, even her personal experiences on the motives for hiding, cheating, and lying can help provide a tiny bit of light.

False clues appear, reliable indications that are undone at times and that take effect shortly thereafter. Twists and turns that mark a hectic evolution of the plot, that present us with the image of the family as the space of coexistence for strangers that it can become, with its paradoxes and its dark surprises.

The end is a burst of surprise, an ordeal at the height of the coolest of the genre.

You can buy the book Without obligation, the latest novel by Lisa Gardner, here:

Without obligation
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